Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Vocabulary and Amazing Words Second Grade Reading
Vocabulary fruit soil root harvest vine bumpy smooth cycle wither tendrils
fruit Part of a plant that contains seeds.
soil Top layer of Earth’s surface.
root Part of a plant that takes in water and holds the plant in place.
harvest To gather crops.
vine A plant with a long, thin stem.
bumpy Covered with high spots or lumps.
smooth Flat or even.
cycle A series of actions that happen in the same order.
wither To dry up.
tendrils A slender, curling of a plant.
Amazing Words adapt annual nutrients bury undisturbed ancient massive sprout
adapt To change to fit new situations or surroundings.
annual Something that happens one time a year.
nutrients Things like proteins, vitamins, and minerals that people, animals, or plants need in order to grow and be healthy.
bury To put something in a hole under the ground.
undisturbed Not bothered or not moved from its normal place or situation.
ancient Very old things.
massive Something that is extremely large.
sprout A very young plant.