First Grade 101
IntroductionsIntroductions Mrs. RiveraMrs. Rivera Ms. LucasMs. Lucas Ms. AlexanderMs. Alexander
Based on our data, students are not solving problems critically at an independent level and justifying their reasoning. If teachers plan authentic tasks for problem solving and open-ended questions for reasoning, If teachers encourage risk-taking and mistakes through our classroom culture and relationships. If teachers foster curiosity and exploration while providing specific feedback, Then students will collaboratively and independently problem-solve and reason. What opportunities are students provided with to solve open-ended problems that require them to justify their reasoning? How does teacher feedback promote curiosity, exploration, and risk-taking?
Plan of Action In first grade, we will… –Focus on planning meaningful, open ended tasks that challenge our students’ to higher levels –Ask questions that foster curiosity –Provide meaningful and timely feedback to students
H.E.R.O. Binders
Behavior System Blue/Green/Yellow/Red Yellow or red lights count against Eagles in Flight Four or more yellow or red lights will disqualify the student from Eagles in Flight SOAR Daily behavior is recorded on the behavior calendar in your child’s daily folder
Reading Homework Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday nights Please read for at least 15 minutes Please have your child REREAD the book until they are fluently reading the book and able to talk about the book. Sign the reading log every night Please continue to read aloud to your child
Additional Homework 100 High Frequency Words Handwriting Weekly Math Homework
Testing Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) Administered beginning/middle/end of year Results discussed at Parent/Teacher conferences –We will begin scheduling conferences after the DRA window closes.
Reading Goals –Middle of year - DRA Level F or higher –End of year – DRA Level I or higher Fluency Goals End of year – 40 words/minute or higher
Reading Groups Flexible Groups We will see students in small groups during the week Focus lessons covering phonics, fluency, and comprehension Lessons are specific to group needs Different book each lesson Reading Homework / Reading Log
Speeding to Read (Million Word Challenge) STR is a reading incentive program done in partnership with Texas Motor Speedway. There will be 4 turns with various incentives and assemblies! The first turn closes on 9/27 – K-2 goal is 25 books and 3-5 goal is 5 chapter books (or their equivalent). Teachers will track students’ reading progress. The goals are a challenge and we will encourage all students to do their very best!
Workshop Model What is it??
The Workshop Model Opening The teacher begins with a mini lesson on a specific teaching point. Work Time Students are actively engaged. Closing Students share their learning and thinking.
Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop The Reading and Writing Workshop model creates an environment where students are actively engaged in reading and writing activities. They self select texts, read independently or with a buddy, meet in small groups, talk about their reading and most importantly practice “real” reading behaviors. During writer’s workshop students are creating authentic pieces of writing and conferencing with their teacher on specific areas needing instruction.
Math Workshop
A new approach to math… Problem solving Struggle “solo” time
Math Workshop Skills Block and Investigations/Envisions The Math Workshop Model creates an environment where students are actively engaged in math activities. Students learn from one another by sharing ideas and strategies.
Science Inquiry PETS Matter: measurement, capacity, temperature and mass Identify living/nonliving Magnets Rocks and soil Weather Life Cycle Moon and the night sky
Social Studies
Social Studies integrated during Language Arts Citizenship United States and Texas anthem/flag/pledge United States and Texas landmarks & symbols Maps Timelines Famous Americans Texas flag/pledge/song Texas landmarks & symbols
Report Cards
Parent Conferences Grades will not be given the first six weeks. Individual parent conferences will be scheduled at the beginning of October Teachers will be sending sign up sheets at a later date
Online Progress Reports and Report Cards 1st grade students receive numerical grades. Students will receive re-teaching for any grade below 70%. User info is the same as enrollment info Haslet Homepage
We would love your help Readers in the classroom Math Helpers Helpers at home (cutting, making items,etc.) Volunteer background check Haslet Homepage
Odds & Ends Tennis shoes need to be worn everyday to P.E. and recess. Snack is at 9:45ish. Students need to bring their own. This is a working snack, so plan accordingly.
Thanks for all you do to help your child be successful at school!