Sound Global Caching for Abstract Modal Tableaux Rajeev Goré The Australian National University Linh Anh Nguyen University of Warsaw CS&P’2008
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux2 Overview Motivation Examples of tableaux Abstract modal tableaux A tableau algorithm with global caching Soundness of global caching
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux3 Motivation Checking satisfiability in description logic ALC: (whether a concept is satisfiable w.r.t. a TBox) ExpTime-complete Implemented provers like FaCT or DLP: strongly optimized 2ExpTime (in the worst case) Goré & Nguyen - DL’07: use sound global caching optimal (ExpTime) Extend sound global caching for abstract modal tableaux
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux4 Example: Tableaux for CPC (Classical Propositional Calculus) Is a formula set X 0 satisfiable? NNF: negations occur only before atoms. Tableau rules: X ; X ; ; ()() X ; X ; | X ; ()() X ; (’) X ; ; ()()
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux5 Example: Tableaux for CPC A tableau is a tree... p q ; p q p ; q ; p q p ; q ; pp ; q ; q ()() ()() ()()()()
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux6 Example: Tableaux for CPC A tableau is closed if every branch ends with p q ; p q p ; q ; p q p ; q ; pp ; q ; q ()() ()() ()()()()
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux7 Example: Tableaux for CPC A formula set X is inconsistent if there exists a closed tableau for X. A formula set X is consistent if all tableaux for X are open. The calculus is sound and complete: X is satisfiable iff X is consistent
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux8 Example: Tableaux for Modal Logic K What is modal logic K? Formulas: ? Interpretations: ? The satisfaction relation: ?
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux9 Example: Tableaux for Modal Logic K What is modal logic K? Formulas: as in the case of CPC, plus additional constructors: ,
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux10 Example: Tableaux for Modal Logic K What is modal logic K? Interpretations Kripke model p, r p, q p, q, r... possible world
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux11 Example: Tableaux for Modal Logic K What is modal logic K? The satisfaction relation p, r p, q p, q, q, (p(qr))...
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux12 Example: Tableaux for Modal Logic K Is a formula set X 0 satisfiable w.r.t. a set Г of global assumptions? i.e. Is there a Kripke model M such that X 0 is satisfied in some possible world of M, Г is satisfied in every possible world of M ?
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux13 Example: Tableaux for Modal Logic K Tableau rules: the rules for CPC plus X 0 is unsatisfiable w.r.t. Г iff there is a closed tableau with root (X 0 ; Г) X ; ; { : X}; Г ()() , ,... , ,... transitional
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux14 Abstract Modal Tableaux L : logic ID (a finite bit sequence) representing a name and parameters of a logic Formulas: finite sequences of symbols A tableau calculus CL : a finite set of CL-tableau rules: next page a function init CL : init CL (X) is a formula set computable from X in PTime. A CL-tableau for X is a tree with root init CL (X), using the rules of CL for expansions.
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux15 Abstract Modal Tableaux CL-tableau rules PTime Denominators: Each Y i is computable from X and L in PTime Monotonicity: X’ X applying (ρ) to X’ results in Y’ i Y i, 1ik Terminal, Static or Transitional: next page X Y 1 |... | Y k (ρ)(ρ)
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux16 Abstract Modal Tableaux CL-tableau rules Cases: ()-rule: only one denominator static rule: X Y i for all 1 i k transitional rule: only one denominator, e.g. () X Y 1 |... | Y k (ρ)(ρ)
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux17 Abstract Modal Tableaux Static rules: Example: The original and modified rules have the same „effects” in constructing tableaux. The requirement about static rules gives an easier proof of soundness of global caching. X ; X ; X ; | X ; X ; X ; X ; ; | X ; ;
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux18 Abstract Modal Tableaux A branch in a tableau is closed if it ends with . A tableau is closed if all of its branches are closed. A tableau is open if it is not closed. X is CL-consistent if all CL-tableaux for X are open. X is CL-inconsistent if any CL-tableau for X is closed.
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux19 The Analytic Subformula Property Calculus CL has the analytic subformula property if for every finite formula set X there is a finite formula set X * CL such that every formula set carried by a node in a CL-tableau for X is a subset of X * CL.
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux20 A Tableau Algorithm with Global Caching Problem: Check whether X is CL-consistent. Algorithm: Build an and-or graph for X using CL: The root node τ contains init CL (X). Each node is expanded using a CL-tableau rule. Preferences of rules: 1. ()-rule 2. unary static rules 3. non-unary static rules 4. transitional rules ...
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux21 A Tableau Algorithm with Global Caching If a node w is expanded using: a ()-rule: w receives status incons (inconsistent) a unary static rule: w is an and-node, 1 successor, status = unkown a k-ary static rule, k 2: w is an or-node, k successors, status = unknown transitional rules: apply rules simultaneously in every possible way n possible ways an and-node with n successors status = unknown
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux22 A Tableau Algorithm with Global Caching Global Caching: Before creating a new node check whether there is an existing node of the same content. If so, use that node as a proxy. If no rule is applicable to a node w: w receives status cons (consistent). When a node receives status cons/incons: propagate the status backward appropriately treating cons = true, incons = false
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux23 A Tableau Algorithm with Global Caching Stop when τ receives status cons or incons Stop when all nodes have been expanded For every node u with status unknown: Assign u status cons. Claim: X is CL-consistent iff τ has status cons.
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux24 Complexity If CL has the analytic subformula property then the given algorithm for CL and X runs in exponential time in the size of X * CL.
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux25 Soundness of Global Caching Lemma 1: If the root node τ receives status incons then X is CL-inconsistent. Sketch: It is an invariant of the given algorithm that for every node v with status incons: either a ()-rule of CL is appl. to v.content, or v is an and-node and there exists an edge (v,w) such that w v and w.status = incons, or v is an or-node and for every edge (v,w), w.status = incons.
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux26 Saturation Paths In the constructed and-or graph, define a saturation path of node v to be a sequence v 0 =v, v 1,..., v k with k 0 such that, for each 1 i k, we have: v i.status = cons, the edge (v i-1, v i ) was created by a static rule, v k.content is closed w.r.t. the static rules. Observe that v 0.content ... v k.content.
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux27 Soundness of Global Caching Lemma 2: If the root node τ receives status cons then every CL-tableau T for X is open. Sketch: Maintain a current node cn of T to pin-point an open branch of T. Initially, set cn to the root of T. Keep a current saturation path v 0, v 1,..., v k for some v 0. Initially, v 0 = τ (the root of the graph). Maintain the invariant cn.content v k.content by moving cn along edges of T appropriately and possibly changing the current saturation path. The branch formed by the instances of cn is an open branch of T.
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux28 Soundness of Global Caching Theorem: The root of the graph constructed for X receives status cons iff X is CL-consistent. The global caching method is sound. Corollary: If calculus CL has the analytic subformula property and X * CL has a polynomial size in the size of X and the length of L, then the given algorithm is an ExpTime decision procedure for checking CL-consistency. If CL is sound and complete then CL-consistency means L-satisfiability.
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux29 Applications We have applied sound global caching for: regular grammar logics TABLEAUX’05 regular modal logics of agent beliefs CLIMA’07 the description logics ALC and SHI DL’07, TABLEAUX’07
R. Goré & L.A. NguyenSound Global Caching for Modal Tableaux30 How does global caching co-operate with other optimization techniques? Attend the next talk of Nguyen: An Efficient Tableau Prover using Global Caching for the Description Logic ALC CS&P’2008, 1st October