T.C.Tarauntula By Levi Altshuler
Introduction Hi there what's up? Within these pages you will learn about my life and how I eat my prey, defend my babies, hide from predators and live in my habitat.
Physical Appearance I am burrowing in the desert sand without being seen. My brown coat helps me blend in. When I’m done I spin a web at the top of my burrow and wait for my prey to fall through and I eat it for lunch.
Habitat Ok let me tell you where I live. I live in South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. The climate here is hot, humid, and cool. So I need a lot of water I mean a lot.
Birth and Babies Get ready because this is going to be sad. I die before I get to see my babies. Although they leave their birth place before they are 6 months old. Ok let me tell you something: in order to give birth I have to mate but I already have a mate so that step is tackled.
Food And Hunting I am in my burrow I am hungry what should I eat should I eat? Birds, snakes, lizards, or insects. Ok I choose birds so I went to look for a bird and I found one! I pounced and had a feast. I am in my burrow I am hungry what should I eat should I eat? Birds, snakes, lizards, or insects. Ok I choose birds so I went to look for a bird and I found one! I pounced and had a feast. YUM YUM YUM YUM
Survival and Adaptations So lets talk about my fangs they help me by killing my prey, and defending myself. My hair is also a big help do you know why? Because I throw my hair into air to scar away predators So lets talk about my fangs they help me by killing my prey, and defending myself. My hair is also a big help do you know why? Because I throw my hair into air to scar away predators
Conclusion Bye!! I hope you liked my book. It’s tiring to tell people about my life. If you ever see me or one of my friends I hope you leave him or she in the wild and respect it. Bye!! I hope you liked my book. It’s tiring to tell people about my life. If you ever see me or one of my friends I hope you leave him or she in the wild and respect it.
About The Author Levi Altshuler is 7 years old his favorite color is green he has a sister who is 9. Levi Altshuler is 7 years old his favorite color is green he has a sister who is 9.