Unit 5 Lead in Summarize Modal verbPossibility must100% (sth is probably true) might could 20-80% (sth is possibly true) can’t 0% (sth isn’t true)


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5

Lead in

Summarize Modal verbPossibility must100% (sth is probably true) might could 20-80% (sth is possibly true) can’t 0% (sth isn’t true)

Guessing Game 1 Pairwork : practice “must”

Guessing Game 2 Pairwork : practice “might/could”

Guessing Game 3 Pairwork : practice “can’t”

Guessing Game 3 Pairwork : practice “can’t”

Guessing Game 3 Guessing Game3:Whose … is it?

Writing practice The notebook _____________ be Ming’s.It was on her desk. The homework _________ be Carol’s. She wasn’t at school today. The soccer ball _________ be Johu’s or Tony’s.They both play soccer,don’t they? The French book _________ be Li Ying’s.She’s the only one who’s studying French. I can’t find my backpack.It _____________ be still at school. The photo _________ be Lu’s. Those are his parents. They red bicycle _________ be Hu’s.She has a bule bicycle. This ticket _________ be my aunt’s or uncle’s.They’re both going to the concert. Writing practice can’t must must/might can’t might must  用 must,might,could, can’t 填空。

Practice Section A 1a ① ③ ④ ② ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩

Practice Listening : section A 1b

Homework Section A 1c

Section A 2a,2b 2b: listen and fill in the blanks: 1.The person must go to our school. 2.The person ________ be a boy. 3.It ________ be mei’s hair band. 4.The hair band _______ belong to Linda. 5.It ________ be Linda’s backpack. can’t could might must 2a: find the things in the backpack. 1.T-shirt 2. hair band3. Tennis balls Section A 2a,2b

Homework Groupwork Question ( Discuss ) 1 、 What can you see? 2 、 What will the cat do? 3 、 Can you guess the destiny( 命运) of the gold fish?

情态动词 must, might, could, can’t 后接动词原形, 可以表示对现在的情况的推测. It can’t ( 不可能 )… It might/could ( 有可能 ) … It must ( 肯定 ) … + be (cold/happy/ sb’s) ★ ★ It must be Tony’s (是 … 的) belong to Tony. ( 属于 …)

某物不可能是某人的 can’t be sb’s./ can’t belong to sb. 某物可能是某人的 might be sb’s / might belong to sb. 某物一定是 某人的 must be sb’s/ must belong to sb.

The end Thanks The end