Study Abroad in Panama By: Joshua Sanford
Introduction Information/ Data Collection Approach Case Study Results/Results Impact Similarities Differences Summary
By definition, construction is “the way in which something is built or put together.” The primary focus of my report is to compare the two construction companies and how the hiring of foreign employees effects the business and the country.
According to Panama law, Panamanian companies are allowed to hire a maximum of 5% foreign employees. That law also states if a foreign company has a branch in Panama, that company is allowed to hire a maximum of 12% expatriates.
This report will discuss the hiring of foreign employees between the two companies and how it may be an advantage or disadvantage.
Logos of both companies being studied
Data Collection was carried out by two different methods Personal Interview in Panama Internet Research
I used as my main search engine. I used keywords to search and gather information for this report.
Keywords Odebrecht Hensel Phelps Construction in Construction in US Business in Panama Business in US Foreign Employees in Foreign Employees in US Illegal Workers in US
Information found: Panamanian Law allows companies to hire a percentage of foreign employees. America has no law stating the limitations of hiring foreign employees, as long as they are legal to work in the US. The situation for both companies, natives are losing jobs to more experienced foreigners.
Odebrecht Located in Panama City, Panama 159,036 employees worldwide Odebrecht does business in the markets of construction, engineering, chemical, and petro- chemical.
Location of Odebrecht
Hensel Phelps Construction Located in Greeley, Colorado 2,727 employees The bulk of Hensel Phelps’ construction is contracted out to sub-contractors.
Location of Hensel Phelps Construction
Both companies are allowed to hire foreign employees. Odebrecht is only limited in Panama by law to the percentage of foreign employees they can hire. Hensel Phelps can hire as many foreign employees as needed as long as they are not undocumented workers.
The results of this report were that foreigners are a threat to the natives of Panama and the US. Although, Panama’s law allowing companies to hire foreign employees attracts companies there to expand their businesses.
Differences Odebrecht is a International company that operates in over 60 countries. Hensel Phelps is only a US company. Differences between Odebrecht and Hensel Phelps CriteriaHensel Phelps (US)Odebrecht (Panama) Countries of Operations160
This report was focused on the hiring of foreign employees, and how it may make or break the country. When construction companies hire foreign employees or undocumented workers, it puts natives on unemployment. With increased unemployment, sometimes leads to tax increase, etc.