Dec. In-House Presentation (This is separate from your Dec. Cluster presentation) Share what you are doing with fellow students minutes long (8 mins. on your experience, 4 mins. on the class) Signed form regarding date, time, and place due to me Schedule it between Dec 11 th and -19 th. Try to avoid last day if possible Use pics of you at site, use visuals Nobody else is doing this stuff!
Research Types and Design Determining the best fit for your original research
A scientific or scholarly investigation to gain knowledge, make decisions, solve problems, explain occurrences, or improve the quality of life. What is Research?
Qualitative research involves: the collection of narrative data to gain insights into phenomena of interest. the intense collection of data over a period of time, in a naturalistic setting, without trying to control the events. understanding how people make sense and meaning out of their lives. What is “Qualitative Research”?
Qualitative researchers: feel that human behavior is always bound to the context in which it occurs; therefore, behavior must be studied holistically, in context, rather than being manipulated employ an “insider’s” perspective, which makes it an intensely personal and subjective style of research. Qualitative Research Cont’d
Ethnography: study of the common practices or beliefs of a culture, group or other community Historical research: describes events, settings of the past in an attempt to better understand them Case study research: in-depth analysis of a single, restricted entity Descriptive research: a systematic description of a situation, group or individual. Most is done through case and field studies of groups/individuals Approaches to Qualitative Research
Systematic collection and evaluation of data to describe causes, effects, or trends that may help to explain present events and anticipate future events. Can tell us about what worked, as well as what was ineffective or not feasible. Clarifies, corrects or expands our existing knowledge. Historical Research Historical Research (Qualitative)
Allows us to see how events in the past might be applicable to present-day problems and concerns. Assists in predicting how present day plans may work…or fail Permits us to better understand present-day practices and policies by placing them in a historical context. Historical Research Historical Research (Qualitative)
Historical Research Purpose Search for facts relating to questions about the past, and the interpretation of these facts. By studying the past, the historian is trying to achieve a better understanding of present institutes, practices, and issues. Methodology Finding data through a search of historical sources such as diaries, official documents, and relics. Historians use primary and secondary sources. Questions In what way has this school changed since it was built? What part did our town play in the war? How do jump rope jingles today compare to the past? Types of Studies Cause and Effect Perspectives Changes 9
Examples: How have methods for locating missing persons evolved over the last 100 years? How has the role of the mother in the nuclear family changed in the 20 th century? Was the claim true that the U.S. moon landing was a hoax? Historical Research
Quantitative research involves: the collection and analysis of numerical data to gain insights into how one variable influences other variables the attempt to tightly control the variable in question to see how other variables are influenced. What is “Quantitative Research”?
Quantitative researchers: argue that both the natural/physical sciences and social sciences (such as education and training) strive for testable and confirmable theories that explain phenomena by showing how they are derived from theoretical assumption. What is “Quantitative Research”?
Descriptive research Correlational research Experimental research Quasi-Experimental research Causal-Comparative research Approaches to Quantitative Research
Involves collecting numerical data to test hypotheses or answer questions concerning current issues or what is happening NOW; some researchers use it to look for patterns in change over time. Involves data collection by surveying, observing (case studies) and interviewing. Often requires the creation of an instrument since the researcher is looking for new knowledge (i.e. questionnaire). Descriptive Research
Descriptive Research Purpose Descriptive studies are primarily concerned with finding out “What is? Or How are things now?” Methodology Observational and survey methods are frequently used to collect descriptive data. Questions Do white collar employers hold favorable attitudes toward employees with a GED? Types of Studies Determine likes/dislikes of a group Student opinion surveys Recording the reactions to an event
Examples: What educational and social elements create an easier transition for a student with special needs to enter a regular education class? What are the primary components necessary to develop a retail clothing business that markets to youth in the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area? Descriptive Research
Involves collecting data in order to determine whether, and to what degree, a relationship exists between two or more variables Results will not show cause and effect, but will allow predictions of how one variable will change based on results of the other variable. Helps us understand related events, behaviors, etc.; predict future events from what we know about another; obtain strong suggestions that one variable may be causing another. Correlational Research
Correlational Research Purpose An attempt is made to discover or clarify relationships that exist between and among variables. Methodology Collecting data on multiple variables and correlating these to see if they have a relationship. Questions Is there a relationship between the size of the wheels on a toy car and the distance it will travel? Types of Studies The relationship of one thing to another. Finding the strength of a relationship.
Examples: Is there a relationship between the age of people and the amount of time people spend watching TV? What relationship exists between print and online literary journals and how has the trend toward online publication impacted the literary community? Correlational Research
Attempts to establish a cause and effect relationship through group comparisons. Manipulates the independent variable to observe changes in response by the dependent variable. Experimental Research
Experimental design requires: randomly selected participants who are randomly assigned to groups (experimental and control). an independent treatment variable that an be applied to the experimental group a dependent variable that can be measured in all groups. Experimental Research
Experimental Research Purpose Investigate possible cause and effect relationships by exposing one or more experimental groups to one or more treatment conditions and compare the results to one or more control groups not receiving the treatment. Methodology Random assignment Control groups & Experimental groups Gathering data Looking for differences Questions Do plants grow better in water, sugar water, saltwater, or gelatin? Types of Studies Key question: How do you know the treatment caused the effects?
Examples: What is the effect of “blind” studies of new medicines where groups take pills without knowing if they are taking the real medicine or a placebo? Which dog food produces the fastest weight gain? Experimental Research
True experimental design controls all factors in the experiment. Test subjects are randomly selected, and all conditions that influence the subjects are monitored and controlled. Quasi-experimental research Quasi-experimental research is rather common and is often used by students. Control conditions are still implemented, but researchers admit they cannot control outside factors or obtain totally random test subjects. Quasi-Experimental Research
In place of experimental research when random assignment to groups is not feasible. Otherwise, very similar to true experimental research. No control group Quasi-Experimental Research
In these studies observers… Look through already existing data, searching for connections between recorded causes and possible effects. Explore possible cause-and-effect relationships when experimental and quasi-experimental approaches are not feasible. Causal-Comparative Research
Causal Comparative Purpose An attempt is made to discover if a cause and effect relationship exists. Methodology Examine already existing data, search for connections between recorded causes and possible effects. Questions Search for the cause of the outbreak of contaminated food in the grocery stores nationwide. Types of Studies Observe existing conditions and search for causes and sources.
Examples: Study the AIDS population to discover the causes of AIDS. Research SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, to find causes. Search for the cause of an outbreak of food poisoning. Research characteristics of families who live in different style homes. Causal-Comparative Research