NASA LANCE User Working Group 11am – 1 pm, Wednesday April 29 th, 2015 GSFC Building 32, S241 Dial: ; Passcode: WebEx: Meeting Number: Meeting Password: Goddard12345! To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!) Go to 2. If requested, enter your name and address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: Goddard12345! 4. Click "Join". 1LANCE UWG Telecom - 29th April 2015
2. Status, Actions and Accomplishments Summary metrics Results of ACSI Survey Other updates LANCE UWG Telecom - 29th April 20152
Latency 3 LANCE UWG Telecom - 29th April 2015
4 Yearly Distribution of NRT Products Yearly Summary Archive7.8 TB/week8.5 TB/week Distribution16.5 TB/week16.8 TB/week
LANCE UWG Telecom - 29th April NRT Downloads from Worldview and GIBS
Users were given the option of completing the survey by track 34 % completed Data download track 36 % FIRMS 17 % Rapid Response 10 % Worldview 4 % GIBS A handful of users completed more than one track LANCE America Customer Satisfaction Index Second customer satisfaction with NASA Land Atmosphere Near real- time Capability for EOS (LANCE) Data collection: October 21 – November 17, 2014 Notices on the website and s to users 10,600 s. Response rate of 7% Increase in overall number surveyed between 2013 /14 Up from 411 to % from US in both 2013 and 2014 (113 and 162 respondents respectively) Overall score 77 - one point down from last year Summary slides and report are available on LANCE wiki Track LANCE UWG Telecom - 29th April
7 © 2013 CFI Group. All rights reserved. NASA LANCE outscores federal government average by 11 points and outscores the aggregate score for internet news and information providers by 3. Score is on par with other information providers Benchmarking
8 © 2013 CFI Group. All rights reserved. Drivers of satisfaction indicate solid performance across all areas. Most drivers hold steady as all Year over Year changes are not statistically significant. Customer Support remains area of greatest strength CSI & Component Scores
Overall users are very positive about their experience using LANCE services Some data users would like data in alternative formats NetCDF, GeoTIFF, ASCII, Shape file Updates to FIRMS are overdue More mobile / tablet friendly More detailed overlays Users want information on NRT burned area Updates to Rapid Response would be appreciated [43% of those that selected the Rapid Response track had tried Worldview. 21% would consider switching, 59% were not sure and want more information, 20% would not consider switching]. Bandwidth: an issue for some users downloading data and accessing imagery Response to questions from users – posted online Take Away Messages
Other updates 10 LANCE UWG Telecom - 29th April 2015 AIRS, MLS instruments and data processing are stable OMI instrument and data processing are nominal. Row anomaly stable since Sept 2014 Planet Boundary Layer (PBL) for SO 2 added back in to the L3 data using an improved algorithm that reduces the noise LANCE Requirements for data providers - revised and available from COMET - NASA’s Configuration Management EOSDIS Tool. Summary checklist of LANCE requirements - available from LANCE wiki Based on recommendations from last UWG Request to add per pixel geolocation for NRT MOD14 Code has been implemented and this be available in Collection 6 NRT Rolling BRDF: reorganized code has been delivered and is vastly speeded up
Outreach 11 LANCE UWG Telecom - 29th April 2015 LANCE Presentations: ICAP Meeting – Nov 2014 S-NPP Applications Meeting – Nov 2014 EOSDIS Webinar: Discover NASA NRT Earth Science Data using LANCEDiscover NASA NRT Earth Science Data using LANCE 2014 AGU Fall Session: NRT Data for Earth Science and Space Weather Applications Convened by M. Goodman, G. Baldwin and K. Murphy 16 Oral and 15 poster presentations given 2 chapters for the book “Time Sensitive Remote Sensing” (Springer) LANCE, NASA’s Land, Atmosphere Near Real-Time Capability for EOS The Use of NASA LANCE Imagery and Data for Near Real-Time Applications
3. Update on AMSR2 LANCE UWG Telecom - 29th April 2015 Sherry Harrison, UAH 12
Background Slides 13LANCE UWG Telecom - 29th April 2015
FY2014 Annual Report 14 Production of Near Real-Time Products Near Real-Time (NRT) production represents the amount of data generated by the Land Atmosphere Near Real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) data providers, including the two identical processing systems, NRT and NRT2. Volume and file count include the data products deleted from archive Source: EOSDIS FY2014 Annual Metrics Report
FY2014 Annual Report15 Distribution of Near Real-Time Products * Excludes metadata ** Represents the number of unique IP hosts/ addresses used to retrieve NRT products, excluding registered users *** Represents the number of the registered users who retrieved data for each instrument. It must be noted that sum of theses users may be greater than the total number of unique registered users since one user could retrieve data for multiple instruments 1 These products do not have any mission or instrument mapping but have been distributed, such as ancillary data. Near Real-time (NRT) Distribution provides the amount of data successfully distributed to registered users of the Land Atmosphere Near Real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE). LANCE provides access to near real-time data (<3 hours from observation) from MODIS, AIRS, MLS and OMI instruments. Metrics for distribution volume, numbers of files distributed and users are presented. Source: EOSDIS FY2014 Annual Metrics Report
Instrument and data processing are nominal. The row anomaly is still present but has been stable since September Added the PBL (Planetary Boundary Layer) for SO2 back into the Level 3 data. The new PBL product using an improved algorithm that reduces the noise. We are currently in the process of adding the PBL imagery into GIBS. LANCE OMI
Add https distribution of data products. Add NPP-OMPS products. SO2 as measured by OMI from volcanic eruption of Nyiragongo, Congo on April 15, 2015 LANCE OMI
Updates for AIRS and MLS AIRS Instrument status is stable and no more obvious degrading of microwave channel over the past year. AIRS NRT Products AIRS L1B version 5 (VIS/NIR radiances, microwave brightness temps) AIRS L2 version 6 (standard retrieval, cloud cleared radiances, support product) MLS NRT Products MLS L2 version 3 (Temperature, Water Vapor, O3, CO, HNO3, NO2, SO2)
Updates for AIRS and MLS AIRS Image Service VIS radiances (false color map) CO, BT_diff_SO2, Prata_SO2 Dust score Precipitation Temperature and Relative Humidity at 850hPa, 700hPa, 600hPa, 500hPa, and 400hPa MLS Image Service CO at 215hPa SO2 at 147 hPa HNO3, NO2, O3 at 46 hPa Temperature and Water Vapor at 46hPa
20 LANCE Summary Metrics : From the EOSDIS Annual Metrics Reports* FY 2014: (1 Oct 2013 – 30 Sept 2014) Unique Data Sets233 Distinct Registered LANCE Users1,306 Distinct Unregistered visitor721,813 Web Site Visits0.4 M Average Production Growth2.3 TB/day Total Production Volume0.83 PB End User Distribution Products70 M End User Average Distribution Volume2.4 TB / day * Prepared by Lalit Wanchoo, Young-In Won and Brian Krupp Unique Data Sets: Total number of unique data sets distributed in the fiscal year Distinct Registered LANCE Users: Total number of unique LANCE users who registered and retrieved NRT products from all LANCE data providers, excluding the unregistered users who downloaded imagery products from the MODIS Rapid Response System Distinct Unregistered LANCE Users: Total number of unique IP Addresses/ s that retrieved browse imagery products from LANCE data providers, such as Rapid Response Browse Images and excludes the LANCE registered users. Web Site Visits: Sum of web visits for LANCE data providers where a visit represents a user session not broken by more than 30 minutes and a duration of at least one minute Average Production Growth: Sum of the NRT data volume generated by all LANCE providers divided by the days in the year, including the NRT and NRT2 processing streams Total Production Volume: Two weeks worth of production volume of the NRT/NRT2 data products, calculated by multiplying Average Production Growth by 14 (days) assuming the deletion of the NRT/NRT2 products two weeks after production End User Distribution Products: Total number of products distributed from all reporting LANCE data providers End User Average Distribution Volume: Sum across reporting LANCE data providers of the data volume distributed for the fiscal year dived by the days in the year
21 LANCE UWG Telecom - 29th April 2015 Weekly LANCE Registered Unique Users Accessing Data
Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) / Worldview Goal: To transform how users interact with and discover NASA Earth data; make it visual Open-Access Servers Client Approach: –The Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) provide open access to full resolution imagery derived from NASA products as web services to mapping clients and GDAL-based scripts –Worldview is an open source, browser- based client to interactively explore GIBS imagery and download the underlying data
+ GPM + SMAP + AMSR2 (in progress) etc
Imagery Available in Near-Real Time Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) Most imagery is available within 3-5 hours of observation Supported application areas include air quality, flood monitoring, wildfire management, shipping Yosemite Rim Fire, 2013 August 20-24Sea ice near Nome, AK, 2014 April 23-28
One Minute Worldview Demo Image Download / Custom Subsets
One Minute Worldview Demo Data Granule Download via ECHO / Data Providers