The United Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy based on universal suffrage The Queen is the head of the executive and plays an integral part in legislature General elections are held every five years People over the age of 18 can vote Anyone over the age of 21 can stand for election as a member of parliament Voting is not compulsory
UK is divided into constituencies where voting takes place Each area is represented by one Member of Parliament Political parties appoint candidates to compete for a seat in Parliament Several parties fight for one seat, the candidate who gets the largest number of votes in a constituency wins The party with the most seats in the House of Commons is in power and forms the Government There is usually an one party Government The second largest party becomes the Opposition and forms the Shadow Cabinet
The UK is administered from the Palace of Westminster
Elected by the British public through the first-past-the-post system The 6 59 members are called Members of Parliament All new laws are first discussed and debated in the Commons
Members are not elected Presided over by the Lord Chancellor Today there are 746 members After passing through the House of Commons, all bills are debated in the House of Lords and after that, signed by the Queen
The leader of the winning party in elections automatically becomes Prime Minister and has the right to appoint his Government, called the Cabinet The Cabinet includes a selection of MPs It works as a team and is collectively responsible for its decisions The Cabinet is responsible to Parliament The most important ministers are Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Foreign Secretary, Home Secretary
The Labour Party Roots in the 19th c Supported by less-wealthy groups of society Re-elected in 2007 The Conservative Party Dates back to the 18th c. Mainly supported by wealthier people Has lost its popularity since the 1980s The Liberal Democratic Party Third largest party Pro-Europe Their politics are somewhere between the Labour and Conservative parties
Sir Winston Churchill is considered to have been the most briliant politician of the Conservative Party in the 20th century Prime Minister during most of WW II Led Britain successfully through the war Famous for his speeches in which he encouraged people to believe that they would eventually win
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