Political Parties
Political party: An organization that seeks to gain political power by electing members to public office so that their political ideas can be reflected in public policies
Major Functions of Political Parties Nominate candidates (person running for political office) who agree with their beliefs and try to persuade voters to support their candidates in their run for office Influence policy: work to guide government policy – influence government officials regarding issues. Unite Government: Link members from different branches and levels of government Create Balance Inform Citizens
Party Platforms To know where a party stands on the major issues, the voters can look at the party’s platform. A platform is the aims and goals of a political party The platform communicates to voters what the party plans to do if it wins.
Today’s Major Parties A basic difference between the major parties is their belief in how much the government should be involved in the lives of Americans.
Third Parties: We have a two-party system in which two major parties have competed for power throughout history (Dem/Rep) Third Parties: a political party that is not one of the two major parties in the country; a minor party affect the outcome of elections and may influence government and social policy. Have never won a presidential campaign
Democratic Party Today, the Democrats are generally said to be more liberal. Ideas about government: Favor a larger role of government Believe that the government should provide social programs to give everyone a fair shot at a good life. Want to tax the wealthiest to fund those programs. Focus on innovation, education, energy, and infrastructure.
Republican Party: Today, the Republicans are generally said to be more conservative Ideas about Government: Smaller government with less social programs and less interference from the government Believe in reducing the number of government social programs. Are opposed to raising taxes. Big supporters of a powerful military. People allowed to make their own way without interference from the government
Libertarian Party: Ideas about government: Individuals are allowed to rule their own lives. (Government will not interfere in people’s lives) Government’s only job is to protect individual rights. US should avoid making alliances and no longer will be the policemen of the world.
Communist Party: System in which working people control their own lives and work together to better society. Ideas about government: Wealth is shared equally with all citizens. Rights will be expanded. Capitalism will be abolished.
Socialist Party: Ideas about government: Workers rule. There are no social classes (everyone is considered equal) Production of society is used to benefit all of humanity. No privatization. Economic activity based on providing necessities of life, including food, shelter, health care, education, child care, cultural opportunities, and social services.