LBA-DIS Working Group Report LBA Science Steering Committee Meeting Palmas - Tocantins November 28-30, 2001
Topics Beija-flor Data Registration Status LBA Publications Status LBA-DIS System Updates Project-wide Data Management and System Requirements Proposed Data Policy Compliance Definition Data Ingest Activities LBA-DIS Working Group Concerns
Beija-flor Registration Status May 2001 => November 2001 LBA-CLAIRE (6 => 7) LBA-EUSTACH (29 => 29) LBA-Europe (15 => 11 ) (reclassified) LBA-Brazil (7 => 10) LBA-Ecology (88 => 174) AERONET (23 => 23) Regional Data (19 => 19) LBA-Hydromet (5 => 6) LBA-TRMM (2 => 2) Wet-AMC (7 => 8) Non-LBA Amazonia Data (31 => 34) Total increased: 232 => 323 (+ 91) Includes: Data sets: 152 => 186 (+ 34) Posters: 80 => 92 (+ 12) No URL provided => 45 (+?)
Beija-flor Entries by Type
LBA Data Sets By Science Theme Total=231
LBA Data Sets By Science Theme Total=231
Total Number of Entries by Science Module
Data Sets Only by Science Module
Total Entries by Metadata Record Type
LBA Publications Status Brazilian funded publications European funded U.S. funded
LBA Publications Status More than 180 LBA-related publications from LBA teams as of 11/01 Publications being characterized as –Peer reviewed? –Team ID? –Funding source(s)? About 90 publications in electronic format archived in LBA Central Office.
LBA-DIS System Updates New server at CPTEC LBA home page web site –Web site maintenance an ongoing LBA DIS task Science Team Information (STI ) Status/Plans Documentation tool –Waiting for DIS WG review
New LBA Server : - 4 Pentium processor CPU Giga bytes of RAM Giga bytes of storage (expandable to TERA bytes) - Backup unit with 10 DLT tapes - LOTS of room for upgrades
Project-wide Data Management and System Requirements Brazil and Europe need to provide data management effort comparable to what the U.S. is doing for their role in LBA, e.g. –contact PI’s re: data submittal requirements & deliverables –work with data providers re: improving metadata quality –work with data providers to host data on-line if needed
Project-wide Data Management and System Requirements, cont. Data Tracking – DIS WG has recommended a data policy compliance monitoring scheme –personal contact between the DIS and PI is most effective U.S. is contacting NASA LBA PI’s re: metadata registration and data submittal requirements/deliverables Brazil and Europe will need to provide comparable support for South American and European PI’s We recognize that we will occasionally need to refer some cases to the Project Scientists/Project Managers to apply additional pressure
Project-wide Data Management and System Requirements, cont. Data Tracking Strategy –focusing on PI’s who have publications based on LBA data –developing means to perform “end-to-end” data tracking checks to identify gaps in data compliance by comparing: field data collection events registered in the STI, data registered in Beija-flor, and listings of data archived at CPTEC.
Project-wide Data Management and System Requirements, cont. Data Harvesting, i.e. copying data from PI to LBA DIS –current approach not automated; DIS WG is evaluating options –Frequency is expected to be annual or semiannual.
Issues needing SSC / OIC / MCT / NASA agreements & decisions Define data quality guidelines, if any –quality of data: what are the standards; who enforces and how? Is this a data provider/project team responsibility? –quality of documentation: the documentation tool sets the standard; who enforces and how? –quality of metadata: being actively addressed for LBA-E & –H; comparable efforts are needed for other LBA components Define/assure data policy compliance, not just for license renewals –DIS WG proposes operational definition of compliance requirements
Proposed definition of data policy compliance 1.Leave copy of raw data in Brazil before leaving the country 2.Register the metadata in Beija-flor 1.regardless of whether the data are ready for distribution 2.ideally this metadata registration occurs as soon as data collection begins, and metadata are updated as the data are processed and approach maturity. 3.At one year, send a copy of the data, regardless of its quality status, to CPTEC for archive 4.Registration/submittal of posters and journal reprints to CPTEC is encouraged, but not required
Proposed definition of data policy compliance, cont. 5.When the data are fully processed, QA'd, and documented by the PI**, the final data should be sent to CPTEC for archive 1.[**or when the funding ends or the LBA project ends, whichever comes first] 2.Data quality assurance and data set documentation are the full responsibility of the PI 6.If the data are still not final at 2 years, the PI will send snapshots of the data at annual (or semiannual?) intervals to CPTEC for archive, or make the data available on-line for automated data harvesting by LBA DIS
Data Ingest Activities EOS-Webster (UNH / LBA-Ecology / ESIP) –Now fully integrated with Beija-flor –Technology learned in this activity may be used to integrate with other LBA data centers that have similar interactive data processing capabilities LBA-HydroNET (UNH / LBA-Hydromet) –Reprocessed, reformatted historic met data in HydroNET will be registered in Beija-flor as the data become available
Data Ingest Activities (cont.) Non-LBA Amazonia Data IAI-DIS interactions –Technical problems at IAI-DIS have stalled efforts to resolve minor technical problems ANEEL Hydrology/Climatology Data –Nothing new to report. Mangrove Dynamics and Management (MADAM) Data –3 data sets are now visible via Beija-flor (at no resource costs to LBA)
Miscellaneous Slides
LBA-DIS Data Archive Sites C JD3 LBA-DIS Primary Node (ORNL/NASA) LBA-DIS Primary Node (CPTEC/INPE) LBA-DIS Future primary node LBA-DIS Secondary Nodes INPA - Manaus USP - Sao Paulo USP - Piracicaba
LBA-DIS add-on Palm databases with LBA names, phones, s (758 entries) & list of LBA team-ids: available from LBA-DIS.