Chapter 10: A Democratic Revolution, 1820—1844 iClicker Questions for America’s History, Seventh Edition and America: A Concise History, Fifth Edition
1. One criticism of political democracy from Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America was that A. the best people were seldom chosen to lead. B. it was too restrictive. C. property should not be the qualification for voting. D. it excluded immigrants like himself from voting.
2. European observers of American democracy generally agreed that A. American political institutions were superior to European ones. B. democracy was a good idea. C. ordinary people were best suited to govern. D. democracy was inherently unworkable.
B. northeastern manufacturers. C. urban workers. D. southern farmers. 3. In the election of 1828, Andrew Jackson drew support from all of the following groups except A. western settlers. B. northeastern manufacturers. C. urban workers. D. southern farmers.
4. The democratization of politics in the 1820s was the result of all of the following except A. the extension of franchise to women. B. the removal of property requirements for voting. C. the popular election of most offices. D. the development of modern political parties.
5. The presidential election of 1824 was the last stand of the notables because A. the eventual winner was chosen by the congressional caucus. B. Andrew Jackson emerged as a popular hero. C. elections after 1824 would be dominated by modern parties with broad social bases. D. the House of Representatives selected the president.
6. Jackson’s practice of appointing loyal members of his party to public offices became known as A. the caucus system. B. the spoils system. C. patronage. D. rotation in office.
7. Andrew Jackson’s legacy included all of the following except A. he increased the power of the presidency. B. he turned back the influence of the Marshall Court and its defense of federal power and monopoly property rights. C. he weakened the Union and advocated states’ rights. D. he made the political system more democratic.
8. The Whigs differed from the Democrats in which of the following ways? A. They wanted to restrict the franchise. B. They wanted to give the vote to women. C. They believed that the wealthy should govern. D. They did not believe in running modern campaigns.
9. In his Supreme Court decisions regarding the Cherokees and the state of Georgia, Chief Justice John Marshall stated that the A. Indians were blocking the advance of civilization and should give up their lands and move west. B. Cherokees were such successful farmers and had assimilated into American life so well that they should be able to keep their lands like any other settlers. C. Indians should be removed for their own good to protect them from settlers. D. Cherokees were not an independent nation but constituted a domestic dependent nation with rights to their lands.
10. Most Americans blamed which of the following parties for the depression of 1837—1843? A. Workingmen’s Party B. Whig Party C. Democratic Party D. American Party
Answer is A Answer is D Answer is B Answer is C Answer Key for Chapter 10 Answer is A Answer is D Answer is B Answer is C