Basic Excel The Purpose of this course is to support the student in learning to how to do calculations using Excel Presented by John Mudie, Ph.D., & Stephanie Muhammad
Purpose of Course The purpose of this course is educate students in how to make calculations and start making a budget. You can get to the class website by typing the address into the address bar of Internet Explorer. Then click on the schedule for your location. Then find the entry for Formula and click on it to get to this page. Press ESC key to stop presentation2
What’s this lesson all about? What are formula’s How to make formula’s in Excel Make total’s in your budget’s Press ESC key to stop presentation3
Upcoming classes We are offering a course in a course in Basic Excel at 10:30 am, except in Santa Maria where it starts at 10:00 am. A course on Typing 101 has started at all RLC's at 12:30 pm, except in Santa Maria where it starts at 12:00 pm. We will be offering a course in Basic Recovery in the future. Attendance limited to five people. Press ESC key to stop presentation4
Covers for Handouts Please note that covers are available for you to store your handouts in. Please ask the Computer Tech for a cover if you want one
Reference Material We will be using Microsoft Excel 2010, Step by Step by Curtis D Frye as a class text book. There is a reference copy in your Computer Lab Microsoft Office 2010 for Dummies by Wallace Wang contains simplified help for Access,Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word and is also in the lab. A way of getting help is to go into Google and put in key words describing your problem and see what Google can find in the way of solutions to your problem which most probably other people have experienced before you.Google
Presentations if you want to watch them Click here to log in to and then press the left arrow at the top left corner of the page to come back to this Click here to play the whole sequence below without stopping. Click here o Understanding Formula's and Functions Understanding Formula's and Functions o Entering Data into a worksheet Entering Data into a worksheet o Adding numbers Manually Adding numbers Manually o Adding numbers using Sum and Autosum Adding numbers using Sum and Autosum o Adding a whole worksheet Adding a whole worksheet o Working with numbers in columns Working with numbers in columns
Reference Guides You can print out a Excel 2010 Reference Guide if you have difficulty remembering the commands.Excel 2010 Reference Guide
Developing a budget This course is designed to support your learning Excel by using it to help you build your own way of tracking your money. Do you know how much and where your money comes from? Do you know how much and where you spend your money? Do you know how much extra you are spending or saving each month? WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW? What advantages do you see for knowing this information?
Who are we and Why are we here? Want to share your name? Want to share what’s important that’s happening in your life today? How did you do on the exercise last week? Are you interested in working on a budget??
Instructor will show how to do a calculation using Excel Click here to demo Press ESC key to stop presentation11
So get on your computers LetsDoIt
Click on the Start button in the lower left corner of the screen, the Start menu should appear. In the box with Search Programs and Files, type in Excel. Windows then searches for file names containing the word Excel. The Excel Icon labelled Microsoft Excel 2010 should appear at the top of the list. Click on the Icon and Microsoft Excel will open. Create a new Excel Worksheet Press ESC key to stop presentation13
How do formula’s work in Excel? Click on a cell address, A3 and type in a number into e.g. 3 to use as an example Click on another cell, say B5,where you want to put the results of your calculation Type in the calculation = 2 * A3 and see the result 6 in B5
Using other operators You can use the arithmetic operators, +,-,* and / to do calculations. In cell B6 type in =2*A3+5 and see the result in B5 of 11 Change the contents of B7 to =(2*A3+5)/2 and see the result 5.5 Change the contents of B8 to = Log((2*A3+5)/2) and see the result Change the contents of A3 to 4 and see how Excel recalculates everything
Formula Calculations
Instructor will share how to work with a range of cells Goleta Lompoc Santa Maria Press ESC key to stop presentation17
Work with a range of cells Change the contents of B9 to =SUM(B5..B8) and see the result in B9 of Change the contents of B10 to =AVERAGE(B5..B9) and see the result in B10 of Your sheet should now look like the next slide
After adding ranges
Open your Budget file If My2015Budget2 is on your Flash Drive, open it. If My2015Budget2 is on your Gdrive, o download it to your MyDocuments folder o Open it If you don’t have a file from last week Click here to download it into your My Documents folderhere Click File/Save as and save with the name My2015Budget3
Instructor will share how to create totals for each month. Goleta Lompoc Santa Maria Press ESC key to stop presentation21
Create totals for each month Incomes and Expenses In cell B9 load a formula for determining the sum of the income rows above it, e.g.=SUM(B3:B8) Copy and paste this formula all the way along this row to column N, using Autofill Do the same kind of thing for the expenses on row 19 using the formula =SUM(B11..B18) to add up the expenses for July. Autofill B19 across to column N In cell B20 fill in the formula for nett income which is =B9-B19 Autofill B20 across to column N
Adding up Incomes and Expenses
Instructor will share how to create totals, averages, max and mins Goleta Lompoc Santa Maria Press ESC key to stop presentation24
Setup for looking at row summaries Change magnification so that the whole spreadsheet up to column R appears on the screen at once by using the slider in the lower right corner. Label the new column headings o Type Sum into cell O1 o Type Average into cell P1 o Type Max into cell Q1 o Type Min into cell R1
Create a Sum for all the items in all the rows In cell O3 fill it with a formula that gives the sum of all the entries in row 3 which is =SUM(B3..N3). Make this work for all the rows by auto filling cell O3 down to O20 Put a test number to show that it works. e.g. put 10 into cell C4 and see what happens to cell O4 Your spreadsheet should look like this except the values themselves might be different.this
Sum across the rows
Create an Average for all the items in all the rows In cell P3 fill it with a formula that gives the average of all the entries in row 3 which is =AVERAGE(B3:N3). Make this work for all the rows by auto filling cell P3 down to P20 Your spreadsheet should look like this except the values themselves might be different.this
Create Maximum and Minimums for the rows Do the same thing for column Q putting the formula =MAXB3..N3) into cell Q3 and auto filling down Do the same thing for column R putting the formula =MIN (B3..N3) into cell R3 and auto filling down
After adding Average,Max and Min
Print it out on one page Print out the sheet ON ONE PAGE by going to File/Print and then setting the Scaling option from No Scaling to Fit Sheet on One Page. Now print out your file by typing Ctrl-P (Hold down Ctrl key and press P), Press Print. Please print your name and date on it Turn it into the instructor by the end of next week.
Save it for the next class Save it to your Flash Drive or Google Drive as My2015Budget3. o See to learn how to use a Flash learn how to use a Flash Drives o See How to use Google Drive to learn how to use the Google Drive..How to use Google Drive
What did you feel about what you learned today ? Reconnect with your partner The person closest to the door shares for one minute about what happened in the class. The other person just listen’s, no comments and then says “Thank you”. The other person then shares for one minute about what happened in the class. The other person just listen’s, no comments and then says “Thank you” Press ESC key to stop presentation33
The End Thanks for being part of this class. Did you learn anything ? What did you enjoy about it? Press ESC key to stop presentation34