Deploying and managing applications across platforms is difficult. Apps Data Users need to be productive while maintaining compliance and reducing risk. Users expect to be able to work in any location and have access to all their work resources. Users The explosion of devices is eroding the standards-based approach to corporate IT. Devices
Apps Users Empower users Allow users to work on the devices of their choice and provide consistent access to corporate resources. Unify your environment Deliver a unified application and device management on- premises and in the cloud. Protect your data Help protect corporate information and manage risk. Management. Access. Protection. Data Devices
Devices & Platforms Single admin console
Empower Users Empower people to be more productive from almost anywhere on almost any device. Simplify Administration Improve IT effectiveness and efficiency. Unify Infrastructure Reduce costs by unifying IT management infrastructure.
Unify Infrastructure Reduce costs by unifying IT management infrastructure. Empower Users Empower people to be more productive from almost anywhere on almost any device. Simplify Administration Improve IT effectiveness and efficiency. Empower Users Empower people to be more productive from anywhere on any device. Windows devices Windows 8/8.1 deployment Unify Infrastructure Reduce costs by unifying IT management infrastructure. Simplify Administration Improve IT effectiveness and efficiency. Application & Settings Management Self Service Portals Heterogeneous devices
IT gets more control and reduced risk from BYOD End users get seamless access to corporate resources from personal devices Work Place Join + MDM enrollment =
ScenarioKey Functionality New computer Fresh install of a new operating system on client or server system New or repurposed hardware PXE boot Integrate with WDS PXE server Self-provisioning via F12 Wipe-and-load Install new version of operating system Reinstall applications and user state under new operating system Side-by-sideSimilar to Wipe-and-load, except between two different devices Offline with removable media With low bandwidth or no connectivity Large software packages are on the media Prestaged Media Optimized for network bandwidth Speeds up end to end deployment
#1 – Create Build a WTG image using Configuration Manager #2 – Provision Admin can push deploy WTG to a removable device End User can pull provision WTG #3 – Manage Updated and managed same as a physical laptop/desktop Admin can determine if device is WTG or not
FeatureBenefitDetails Always On Always Connected (AOAC) Preserve battery life Provide fast switching experience from low power state to up-and- running ConfigMgr client acts a good citizen On Battery only User Idle Network Connected Windows Maintenance Hour Metered Connection SupportAvoid bill shock Admin will be able to control traffic Block network impactful client management activities End User can opt-in
Block (default) Treat a metered network as disconnected Limit Allow policy polling Uploads client state User initiated installations permitted (with warning) Deadline content downloads if deployment was set to allow Allow A metered network is treated as if it were a non- metered network Still blocked while roaming
iOSAndroid On premise Exchange Active Sync based management Cloud Infrastructure Single pane of glass Settings Management Device Wipe More settings Detailed compliance Through EAS and MDM Pull Software Distribution Push Software Distribution Selective Wipe
MSI iOS App-V (MDOP) Appx App Store Link Start Android App (Example: PDF Reader)
Needed for Windows 8 Same feature functionality App-V 4.6 SP2 New Deployment Type for App-V 5.0 applications Virtual connection groups replace dynamic suite composition App-V 5.0
Unify Infrastructure Reduce costs by unifying IT management infrastructure. Reduced Infrastructure Requirements Flexible hierarchy management Content distribution changes Real-time administrative actions Endpoint Protection enhancements
Central Administration Site Scale Support multiple primary sites Future proofing your hierarchy (SP1) Primary Sites Client assignment (up to 100k) Reduce impact of a primary site failing Political reasons Delegated administration Different client agent settings Language packs DMZ/Internet Facing Untrusted forests (new in R2) Secondary Sites Content fan-out Manage upward flow of WAN traffic Content routing Throttling (now in Distribution Points) Reasons Why Obsolete Reasons Distribution Points Distribute Content Branch Distribution Points
Primary Site Central Administration Site Must be a new installation Primary Site ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 to ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 migration
MP DP Windows Azure Policy Content FIREWALL PR1MP
Unified Infrastructure Simplified server and client deployment Streamlined updates (3x/day in SP1) Consolidated reporting Real-time alerts Real-time admin. actions (SP1) Client side policy merge (SP1) Comprehensive Protection Stack Behavior monitoring Antimalware Dynamic Translation Windows and Firewall Management
Administrator “Dial tone” Active TCP Session with the MP Client Checking for urgent tasks 1 2 In administrative console selects “Run Full Scan” on a collection “Call is placed” Client via this TCP connection is told there are urgent tasks to run Client then connects to the MP to get policy Client runs the Full Scan Task 4 Client Task = “Run Full Scan” A task is created MP is told that new urgent task has been requested 3 Site Server and MP
Simplify Administration Improve IT effectiveness and efficiency. End user client UI improvements PowerShell OS Deployment and MDT Role Based Administration Alerts Linux and Unix Selective Wipe
Version 4 (x86/x64) Version 5 (x86/x64) Version 6 (x86/x64 ) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 9 (SPARC) Version 10 (SPARC/x86) Solaris Version 9 (x86) Version 10 SP1 (x86/x64) Version 11 (x86/x64) SUSE Linux SeEnterprise rver
Empower Unify Simplify Role-based Administration Internet-based Client Management Software Update Management Reduced Infrastructure Requirements Mobile Device Management Application Delivery Compliance & Settings Management Endpoint Protection Unified Management of Virtual Clients Operating System Deployment Asset Intelligence, Client Health, and Inventory End user platform support Scenario2007 R3 Device Centric MDM licensing 2012 User Centric Integrated Windows and EAS New Improved Integrated Auto Remediation Improved New 2012 SP1 Win 8 apps Windows 8,Mac,Linux Flexible hierarchies Real-time actions User Profile and Data Improved
Windows Enterprise:
SessionTitleSpeakersTime WCA-B304 Application Delivery with Microsoft System Center 2012 SP1 - Configuration Manager and Windows Intune Adeep Cheema; Dilip RadhakrishnanS13 6/5 5:00pm-6:15pm WCA-B310 Deploying and Configuring Mobile Device Management Infrastructure with Microsoft System Center 2012 SP1 - Configuration Manager and Windows IntuneJim DempseyS06 6/4 1:30pm-2:45pm WCA-B312 Deploying and Managing Windows 8 with Microsoft System Center 2012 SP1 - Configuration ManagerAaron CzechowskiS09 6/5 08:30am-9:45am WCA-B326 Managing Embedded Devices with Microsoft System Center 2012 SP1 - Configuration ManagerHema RajalakshmiS10 6/5 10:15am-11:30am WCA-B328Microsoft System Center 2012 SP1 - Configuration Manager Overview Dilip Radhakrishnan; Jason Adams (SCCM)S02 6/3 03:00pm-4:15pm WCA-B343 Unified Modern Device Management with Microsoft System Center 2012 SP1 - Configuration Manager Integrated with Windows IntuneMartin BoothS11 6/5 1:30pm-2:45pm WCA-B348 What's New in Infrastructure: Microsoft System Center 2012 SP1 - Configuration Manager Infrastructure Improvements and Hierarchy DesignJason Adams (SCCM)S04 6/4 08:30-9:45am WCA-B347What's New with Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2012 Update 1 Aaron Czechowski; Mike NiehausS03 6/3 04:45pm-6:00pm WCA-B356Windows Intune OverviewMartin BoothS08 6/4 5:00pm-6:15pm