eBooks on Demand Sonja Svoljsak, National and University Library of Slovenia Silvia Gstrein, University of Innsbruck Library
The Vision Every copyright free book in Europe accessible as eBook on Demand!
The EU Project Key Facts: eTEN Call 2006 Start: 1/10/2006 Duration: 18 months Consortium: 13 partners, 8 countries Co-ordinator: University Library of Innsbruck Budget: ca. 2 million Euro Thematic focus: market validation
The network 13 libraries from 8 European countries
UL Innsbruck UL Greifs- wald UL Berlin (Humboldt) BSB Munich UL Regens- burg NUL Slovenia NL Hungary UL Bratislava NL Estonia NL Denmark NL Portugal UL Vienna UL Graz
The EOD service: From a costumer‘s point of view
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Examples For example: UL of Innsbruck: OPAC „Coldstream Austria“
eBook delivered
The eBook
From the library‘s point of view
Advantages of EOD service Offer a new service to library user Make rare books widely available, on a user‘s request Continually build up digital collection Minimal requirements: scanner + Internet
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