1 EU Strategy for the Danube Region A new challenge - new opportunities Belgrade 29 April 2010 Nathalie Verschelde DG Regional Policy
2 Political demand from the Member States Test a new working method - new form of governance : macro-regional cooperation on a voluntary basis (e.g. Baltic Sea Strategy) Aim: better cooperation and coordination on addressing common issues and jointly realising the regional potential Danube Region Strategy – why ?
3 Ingredients Move from political statements to action; Integrated approach; Stakeholder involvement essential Principles – the three “NO” : no new EU institutions, no new EU funding and no new EU legislation Danube Region Strategy – how?
4 EU Strategy for the Danube Region is not a new funding instrument… but Better use of existing resources (principle of re- alignment) Better cooperation between funding instruments natioanally and across the region Renewed partnership with funding institutions ALL this only possible if there is a broad consensus on top priorities for the Region Danube Region strategy – how?
5 Geographical coverage (flexible…)
6 Top Priorities (on-going identification process might evolve) Transport, energy and ICT systems and connections, incl. renewables and efficiency water, biodiversity and risk prevention Socio-economic, human and institutional development, incl. innovation culture, identity and social inclusion Safety and security
7 Dialogue with Danube countries Most countries have submitted position papers with their general opinion Most agree on priorities but with different emphasis Now we ask them all to present concrete ideas for projects and actions
8 Concrete proposals Actions and projects (included in evolving Action Plan) macro-regional dimension and impact agreed by all and supported politically and financially e.g. joint planning of transport needs on Corridor 7 (Danube IWT), including multimodal nodes, ports, economic zones
9 Timing Sep 2009 – Jan 2010: start up phase and informal discussions Feb-June 2010 : stakeholders events : Ulm (1-2 Feb), Budapest (25-26 Feb), Vienna-Bratislava (19-21 April), Ruse (10-11 May), Constanta ( June) Public web-consultation : 70 submissions, currently being analysed
10 The next steps June 2010-Sep 2010: drafting of the strategy for further consideration by all countries Sep 2010-Dec 2010: submission of strategy documents to the College (Communication + Action Plan) December 2010 : Adoption by the Commission Spring 2011 : endorsement by Council under HU Presidency in first half 2011
11 The next steps 2011 – beginning implementation phase First annual monitoring + revision action plan 2014 : new financing period.... Onwards – continuous improvement of living standards across Danube Region
12 Further information Thank you for your attention.