Nagycenk settlement of 1900 inhabitants Geographical location 60 km from Vienna 90 km from Bratislava 12 km from the border city of Sopron At the junction of main routes84 and 85 Accessible on the Sopron – Szombathely-Szentgotthárd railway line operated by GYSEV
Nagycenk Registered enterprises by economic branches ( ) Agriculture,forestry,fishing - 95 Real estate activities - 42 Trade, auto – vehicle service - 27 Construction - 24 Professional, scientific, technical - 18 Catering, accommodation, restaurant - 14 Miscellaneous - 10 Manufacturing - 10 Financial and insurance - 9 Admunistrative and support service - 9 Transport,storage - 7 Information, communication - 6 Heath and social care - 4 Arts,entertaibement,recreation - 4 Education - 3 Mining and quarrying - 1 Electricity, centralheating, air-cond. - 1 Total 282
Agriculture Family farms, land properety 15 – 325 ha (acres) Cattle farms - 3 Pig farm - 1 Chicken farm - 1 Forestry (owners) ha (acres) (privat entrepreneurs, limited partnership, limited liability companies) Agricultural cooperatives 385 acres arable 55 acres grape (blaufranchise) Number of employees: - 11 constant - 50 peak time
Nagycenk Industrial Estate Located a few hundred meters from the border with Austria, next to the planned M9 motorway Located in the village,right next to the main routes 84 (Sopron- Lake Balaton) and 85 Sopron –Győr- Budapest) The estate size is 14 hectares (35 acres)