EEA GIS infrastructure
General view - Desktop – Data users - Developers - Maintenance - Inspire ~45 users Data production knowledge management Cartography Integration Analyse Infrastructure Helpdesk …
Users, tools,... Desktop Server Database
Map Viewers Map document (ArcMap) Map for Office (Excel) Desktop Web-service (map service) Web-service (tiled service) Web-service (feature service) Web-service (map service) Web-services Web map (configuration) Web maps Web application (template) Web application (configuration) Web applications
Web GIS 2 2 Web-service (map service) 3 3 Web map (configuration) 4 4 Web application (template) 1 1 Map document (ArcMap)
Before - Publication asking many actors and checks - Long and painfull - Huge - PING PONG game
Now Centralized Maintenance Monitoring Functionality ETC (IT) Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation ArcGis Server Farm On premisse ArcGis online ArcGis online Cloud EEA Central infrastructure ETC (FR) Biological Diveristy ETC (DK) Sustainable Consuption and Production ETC (NL) Air polution and Climate Change mitigation ETC (CZ) Inland, Coastal and Marine waters Decentralized publishing Centralized Maintenance Monitoring Functionality ETC (IT) Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation On premisse ArcGis online ArcGis online Cloud EEA Central infrastructure ETC (FR) Biological Diveristy ETC (DK) Sustainable Consuption and Production ETC (NL) Air polution and Climate Change mitigation ETC (CZ) Inland, Coastal and Marine waters Decentralized publishing -Bathing Water 27/05 -EUNIS 29/04 -BISE 22/04 consumer ArcGis Server Farm Possibility to create, modify and publsih webservices to DISCOMAP For our partners (ETC, DG, Others) from their own premises. Storage to Discomap or Cloud (via AgsServer)
What is next? Common workspace SDI ANALYZE COLLECT SHARE VISUALIZE consultants ETC’s EEA Staff (Webservice) Add service Modify Publish Share Demo