Arch: 383 Introduction to GIS Week 2 Introduction to GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS Can Kara Faculty of Architecture 2011 ARC 383
ArcGIS Software – licenses and applications ArcGIS Software – licenses and applications Common GIS data structures Common GIS data structures Data types supported by ArcGIS Data types supported by ArcGIS ArcCatalog and ArcMap user interfaces ArcCatalog and ArcMap user interfaces ArcGIS Desktop Help system ArcGIS Desktop Help system Software Details
ArcCatalog: organize and manage GIS data ArcCatalog: organize and manage GIS data ArcMap: view, edit, and analyze spatial data and create maps ArcMap: view, edit, and analyze spatial data and create maps ArcGIS Desktop Software Suite – Applications
ArcToolbox ArcToolbox geoprocessinggeoprocessing data conversiondata conversion defining map projectionsdefining map projections ArcGIS Desktop Software Suite – Applications (cont.)
Vector Data Vector Data ArcInfo CoverageArcInfo Coverage ArcView ShapefileArcView Shapefile ArcGIS GeodatabaseArcGIS Geodatabase CAD dataCAD data Microstation design files (.dgn) Microstation design files (.dgn) AutoCAD drawing files (.dwg) AutoCAD drawing files (.dwg) AutoCAD drawing interchange files (.dxf) AutoCAD drawing interchange files (.dxf) Spatial Data Types Supported by ArcGIS
Raster Data Raster Data Images – e.g., DOQQ’s, DRG’s, (.tif,.bil,.jpg,.sid, etc.); can now be in geodatabasesImages – e.g., DOQQ’s, DRG’s, (.tif,.bil,.jpg,.sid, etc.); can now be in geodatabases ArcInfo Grid – e.g., DEM’sArcInfo Grid – e.g., DEM’s Tabular Data Tabular Data Comma or tab delimited text (.txt)Comma or tab delimited text (.txt) dBase (.dbf) file containing coordinate datadBase (.dbf) file containing coordinate data (X,Y coordinate) Spatial Data Types Supported by ArcGIS (cont.)
ArcCatalog The data management application of ArcGIS The data management application of ArcGIS Import, export, and preview datasetsImport, export, and preview datasets Drag and drop data into ArcMapDrag and drop data into ArcMap Create new spatial datasetsCreate new spatial datasets View, create, and/or edit metadataView, create, and/or edit metadata
ArcCatalog Interface Data Exploring Viewing Modes Catalog Tree Connect to Folder
ArcCatalog (cont.) Establish folder connections to access data Establish folder connections to access data
ArcCatalog (cont.) Create new spatial datasets, e.g., shapefiles Create new spatial datasets, e.g., shapefiles
ArcCatalog (cont.) Preview spatial and tabular data Preview spatial and tabular data
View, create and/or manage metadata View, create and/or manage metadata ArcCatalog (cont.)
View, create and/or manage metadata View, create and/or manage metadata ArcCatalog (cont.)
Metadata Content Metadata Content Identification InformationIdentification Information Data Quality InformationData Quality Information Spatial Data Organization InformationSpatial Data Organization Information Spatial Reference InformationSpatial Reference Information Entity and Attribute InformationEntity and Attribute Information Distribution InformationDistribution Information Metadata Reference InformationMetadata Reference Information ArcCatalog (cont.)
Launch ArcMap and open the ArcToolbox window Launch ArcMap and open the ArcToolbox window
ArcMap ArcGIS application used to display, query, edit, create, and analyze geographic data ArcGIS application used to display, query, edit, create, and analyze geographic data
ArcMap Interface Standard Toolbar Status Bar Table of Contents – Lists layers (stacking order; like a legend) Data Frame (a group of layers) TOC Tabs – different display modes Data Frame display modes – “Data” or “Layout” ArcCatalog Map display Window (Data Frame)
Fundamental component of ArcMap Fundamental component of ArcMap Collection of data layers (in data frames) and a cartographic layout Collection of data layers (in data frames) and a cartographic layout Stores references to the locations of the data sources (e.g., shapefiles, coverages, image files, etc.) NOT the data themselves Stores references to the locations of the data sources (e.g., shapefiles, coverages, image files, etc.) NOT the data themselves Has.mxd file extension Has.mxd file extension Map Document
Map Document Properties Map Document Properties Data Source OptionsData Source Options Map Document (cont.)
ArcMap Toolbars ArcMap provides a number of other toolbars: ArcMap provides a number of other toolbars: DrawDraw EditorEditor LayoutLayout Effects, etc.Effects, etc.
Tools toolbar is always active and can be used in either the data or layout view Tools toolbar is always active and can be used in either the data or layout view Standard toolbar contains buttons and tools that provide fast and easy access to many operations, e.g., Save, Add Data, etc. Standard toolbar contains buttons and tools that provide fast and easy access to many operations, e.g., Save, Add Data, etc. ArcMap Toolbars
Source tab Display tab Data Frame Selection tab ArcMap Table of Contents
ArcMap Data View Browse, edit, and analyze the spatial data on a map Browse, edit, and analyze the spatial data on a map
Prepare finished maps for reports and publications Prepare finished maps for reports and publications ArcMap Layout View
ArcMap Interface - Customized
Coordinate Systems (Projections) Geographic – “lat long”, unprojected Geographic – “lat long”, unprojected
Coordinate Systems Projected – UTM, Lambert, Albers… Projected – UTM, Lambert, Albers…
Data Frame Properties Map units: Map units: horizontal measures in which distances are calculated in a data frame Feet, meters, etc.Feet, meters, etc. Display units: horizontal measures in which distances are actually displayed on the screen Display units: horizontal measures in which distances are actually displayed on the screen Feet, meters, etc.Feet, meters, etc.
Data Frame Properties Map units are set when a coordinate system is specified for a data frame Map units are set when a coordinate system is specified for a data frame
On-the-fly projection requires coordinate system definition (often stored in.prj file) On-the-fly projection requires coordinate system definition (often stored in.prj file) Data Frame Properties
Map units can be set by user when coordinate system is not specified Map units can be set by user when coordinate system is not specified Data Frame Properties
Includes tools for manipulating spatial data Includes tools for manipulating spatial data System Tool Model Toolset Script ArcToolbox
Context Sensitive Help can be accessed with the “What’s This?” Button Context Sensitive Help can be accessed with the “What’s This?” Button Access ArcGIS Desktop Help system under the Help menu Access ArcGIS Desktop Help system under the Help menu Online Help
ArcGIS Desktop Help is organized by topic and often by application ArcGIS Desktop Help is organized by topic and often by application
Press the F1 key to access help about dialog box elements Press the F1 key to access help about dialog box elements Online Help
ESRI user forums ESRI user forums Online Help