Geographical Information Systems
Software which can be used in GIS ArcGIS Desktop Map Window Quantum GIS uDig
Introduction ArcGIS Components of ArcGIS : ArcMap, ArcCatalog and, ArcToolbox
How data are stored in ArcGIS Coverage Shapefile Geodatabase
Coverage Coverage is a topology based vector data format A coverage can be a point coverage, line coverage,or polygon coverage. The coverage model supports three basic topological relationships. Connectivity: Arc connects to each other at nodes. Area definition: An Area is defined by a series of connected arcs. Contiguity: Arcs have directions and left and right polygon.
Shapefile Shapefile is a standard nontopological data format. The Shapefile is now very common format used for exchanging spatial information between all kind of systems. The shapefile is made of following files:.shp: The SHP file contains the raw geometrical shape data. Each SHP file can contain items of only one kind of geometry shapes Points, LineStrings, or Polygons..shx: The SHX file maintains the shapefile index..dbf : The DBF file contains nonspatial attributes of each shape.prj : The PRJ file gives details about projection.
GeoDatabase A geodatabase is a relational database that store geographic information
Lab 1
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