04/06/2016 USEReST' 08 1 Massimo Musacchio, Sergio Teggi, Fabrizia Buongiorno, Angelo Amodio, Marco Gregnanin, Giulia De Marzi, Stefano Vignoli, Sergio.


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Presentation transcript:

04/06/2016 USEReST' 08 1 Massimo Musacchio, Sergio Teggi, Fabrizia Buongiorno, Angelo Amodio, Marco Gregnanin, Giulia De Marzi, Stefano Vignoli, Sergio Perelli, Vincenzo Santacesaria

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08  The ASI-SRV provides support to the following volcanic activity phases addressed by the Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC): › Surveillance and early warning › Sin-eruption phase › Post-eruption phase

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 EO-non EO data Providers Added value Products

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08  ASI-SRV system will be developed in 3 phases › In the first version the core of the system has been realized, including modules/algorithm well known and consolidated (TES, VAOT, Water Vapour, Effusion Rate, SO2 and LAOT) READY TO BE OPERATIVE › During the following phases RTD based module will be developed and implemented (VAMP, Surface change detection, CO 2, Multiparametric analysis )

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 To optimize the computer processing time the ASI- SRV architecture is based on two data processing chains in order to get advantage of partnership infrastructures and laboratories This presentation is aimed to the “Optical-based” modules. The Optical data processing chain is localized in Rome at INGV The SAR data processing chain is localized in Naples at CNR-IREA

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08  Several spaceborne based EO optical data will be acquired and processed :  NASA EO-1 Hyperion  NASA Terra/Aqua MODIS  NASA Terra ASTER  NOAA AVHRR  EROS  SPOT  Quickbird  Each data is furnished with specific spectral and spatial characteristics

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 Pre crisis Surface Thermal anomalies monitoring ASTER VAOT Volcanic Aerosol Optical Thickness estimation Hyperion Water vapour estimation Hyperion Crisis Effusion rate AVHRR, MODIS Ash clouds optical characteristics (VAMP) AVHRR, MODIS Low resolution Aerosol Optical Thickness (LAOT) AVHRR MODIS Degassing plumes SO2 Characterization AVHRR MODIS Post Crisis Change detection on surface characteristics due: Lava flow Hyperion and HI-RES Ash cover Hyperion and HI-RES

04/06/2016 USEReST' 08 8 SensorProvider Revisit time Production time Provision time Note QUICKBIRD Digital Globe Eurimage/Telespazio On demandhours SPOTSPOT IAMGEOn demandhours EROS ImageSat International IPT On demandhours ASTER-TERRANASA16 dayshours Day and Night time passage On-demand HYPERIONNASA16 dayshours It follows the ASTER- TERRA-NASA orbit On demand AVHRR NOAA Direct Broadcast 4 hourminuteshours Directed broadcasted by INGV MODISESA2 per dayminuteshoursNight/day Higher Spatial Resolution Lower Revisit Time Less than 1 mt About 1 km

04/06/2016 USEReST' 08 9 L1A Digital Count L1B Calibration Sensor Radiance Sensor Reflectance Coreg L1C Sensor Radiance Sensor Reflectance DEM Shaded Slope Aspect Atmospheric Correction BoA Radiance BoA Reflectance DEM Shaded Slope Aspect Apparent Radiance Apparent Reflectance L1D L2A Map Classified Mask sensor Geometry Map Classified Mask DEM Geometry L2C Vector generation L2D Vectorial Layer DEM Geometry Generic Processor Time, spatial Processor L3A L3B sensor Geometry DEM Geometry Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Auxiliari Correction terms Lup Ld..... L2B DEM Geometry

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04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 To have EO “standardized” data, ready to be processed, by means of  Radiometric calibration,  Resized with a defined geographic extension and coverage,  Atmospheric and topographic effect removed

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04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 The need to have common activities performed on the SRV product led to the development of a set of common tools, in order to perform, on different image standards, the same operations. The common tools (named GTR) are devoted to:  cut and mosaic of the input images  coregistration of input DEM and georeferencing of final SRV products GIS Referencing Tool

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 Within the ASI-SRV project a well defined geographic window has been defined for each of the three area of interest. (Vesuvio Campi Flegrei, Etna). This requirement leads to cut the low-res images, since they span over a geographic area wider than the one of interest; while each hi-res image may cover an area which is more narrow than the desired window, so a mosaic of several images followed by a cut of the temporary image obtained is needed. The tasks are made more complex by the fact that input images are provided in sensor geometry, so the cut has to be done in an appropriate way, in order to avoid the loss of points falling into the desired geographic window.

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 ETNA tes site Satellite/sensorKm dimensionUpper LeftLower Right WidthHeightLongitudeLatitudeLongitudeLatitude MODIS regional ° 40’ 00”39° 50’ 00”16° 50’ 00”36° 00’ 00” MODIS local ° 45’ 32”37°56’ 40”15°13’ 04”37° 34’ 43” AVHRR regional ° 40’ 00”39° 50’ 00”16° 50’ 00”36° 00’ 00” AVHRR local ° 45’ 32”37°56’ 40”15°13’ 04”37° 34’ 43” ASTER ° 42’ 41”37° 58’ 14”15° 16’ 32”37° 24’ 36” Hyperion ° 58’ 00”37° 50’ 00”14° 59’ 11”37° 30’ 00” Very High Resolution N/A

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 Vesuvio and Campi Flegrei test site Satellite/sensorKm dimensionUpper LeftLower Right WidthHeightLongitudeLatitudeLongitudeLatitude MODIS regional ° 59’ 47”40° 55’ 07”14° 36’ 06”40° 39’ 12” AVHRR regional ° 59’ 47”40° 55’ 07”14° 36’ 06”40° 39’ 12” ASTER ° 00’ 00”41° 00’ 54”14° 46’ 28”40° 37’ 14” Hyperion (Vesuvio) ° 23’ 32”40° 51’ 50”14° 27’ 29”40° 45’ 02” Hyperion (Campi Flegrei) ° 01’ 26”40° 54’ 52”14° 13’ 05”40° 44° 51” Very High Resolution N/A

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08  The DEM Co-registration tool implements the two major functions of orthorectification and georeferentiation of raw images.  The following two different models will be used: › Satellite Sensor Rigorous Orbital Model › Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPC)  Dem coregistration module produces HDF file as output. This output will be used as input for all DPS. The output level of the generated product is 1C (e.g. ASTER_1C, AVHRR_1C) The tools are automated and do not require human interaction. The tools execution is scheduled by the SRV system.

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 No specific algorithms are required. The module consists in the mere application of calibration coefficients. The ASTER and HYPERION data will be calibrated, while MODIS data will be not calibrated because level 1B data products contain calibrated radiances for all 36 MODIS bands and reflectances for the reflective Solar bands (Bands 1 through 19 and 26).

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 ASTER  Input:Level 1B in Digital Number (DN)  Algorithm: Rad=(DN-1)*ASTERFACT (ASTERFACT are ancillary data files)  Output: Radiance [W/m2/ster/  m] HYPERION  Input:Level 1R in Digital Number (DN)  Algorithm:Rad=(DN)* 1/40 (VNIR ) Rad = (DN)*1/80 (SWIR)  Output: Radiance [W/m2/ster/  m]

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 Using CIRILLO the spectral values of atmospheric terms, (i.e. transmittances, reflectance contribution due to solar radiance scattered by the atmosphere and downward spherical albedo of the atmosphere) are computed The second reason to prefer CIRILLO is due to the capability to evaluate altitude and b factor for each pixel of the image. For these calculations CIRILLO requires as input three images (files), geographically registered with the image to be corrected and with the same spatial resolution, containing elevation, slope and aspect

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 A.The sun radiance that reaches directly the pixel viewed by the sensor (target) and that is directly reflected by the target to the sensor; B.The sun radiance that reaches directly the pixel viewed by the sensor (target) and that is reflected by the target to the sensor following a multiple scattering path; C.The sun radiance that reaches the target following a multiple scattering path and that is directly reflected by the target to the sensor; D.The sun radiance that reaches the target following a multiple scattering path and that is reflected by the target to the sensor following a multiple scattering path; E.The sun radiance that directly reaches the surface surrounding the target and that is reflected by the surface to the sensor following a multiple scattering path; F.The sun radiance that reaches the surface surrounding the target following a multiple scattering path and that is reflected by the surface to the sensor following a multiple scattering path; G.The sun radiance that is directly scattered by the atmosphere to the sensor without reaching the ground. All of these terms, with the exception of G), are also influenced by the orientation of the surface with respect to the sun illumination direction. A-B-C-D-E-FG

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04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08

04/06/2016 USEReST' Massimo Musacchio, Malvina Silvestri, Claudia Spinetti, Stefano Corradini, Valerio Lombardo, Luca Merucci, Maria Fabrizia Buongiorno, Sergio Pugnaghi, Gabriele Gangale, Lorenzo Guerrieri, Sergio Teggi, Vincenzo Santacesaria, Sergio Perelli

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 For each product a historical series of remote sensed data have been processed By means of specific algorithm and using Auxiliary and Ancillary… …the product is obtained Before to post on the foreseen WEBGIS each raster needs to be converted in a ESRI like shapefile Shapefile

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04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08  Discontinuous measurements  Webcam network  UV-scanner network for SO2 flux  Seismic network  GPS permanent network  Gravimetric network  Magnetic network  Analysis of the erupted ash  Analysis of the erupted products  Geologic and structural surveys  Thermal mapping from helicopter  Lava mapping from field

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 At the end of the scientific processing chain, raster classified products are available, and they need to be georeferenced before their transformation in vector products, in order to be displayed as a geographic information layer on a map. This task is performed by the “Map Projection” module, in order to warp them in an UTM projection. This georeferenced product is then stored in a Geo-TIFF file, that contains all the information needed for a correct visualization on a GIS. The product obtained is then ready to be analyzed by the Operator using the GTA, in order to validate or discard it before the publishing to the end user.

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 The GTA is a customization of ESRI ArcGIS Desktop to support the operator in performing the Validation Process Workflow. GTA will use ESRI ArcGIS (and its extensions) : ArcGIS is powerful to manage a huge amounts of SRV products ArcGIS is widely used within DPC and INGV ArcGIS includes a wide variety of programmable components, so that plug-in functionalities to validate SRV products can be integrated ArcGIS, using some extensions, is compliant with the OGS protocols to be used in the frame of the project (LDS)

04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 SRV Process Validation Workflow

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04/06/2016 USEReST' /06/2016 USEReST' 08 For further information on ASI-SRV project contact: Maria Fabrizia Buongiorno: