ABOUT US Adam Skibbe, GIS Administrator – University of Iowa Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences Office: 328 Jessup Hall The University of Iowa (319) or Rick Havel, GIS Coordinator – Johnson County 855 S. Dubuque St, Suite 204 Iowa City, Iowa or Collectively: Iowa Geographic Information Council (IGIC) GIS professionals from the state of Iowa
THE TOOLS – GIS GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Ssss (Systems, Science, Services) System “is a computer system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data. ” Science The study of… Services Tools created by and for…
THE TOOLS – GIS SOFTWARE Online GIS – not just Google Earth ArcGIS Online! – relatively easy yet robust Desktop GIS – ArcGIS statewide license Vector (point, line, polygon), raster (image) and tabular data More robust: advanced cartography, analysis, geostatistics, etc. 2D and 3D Remote Sensing – additional software packages Focus on raster (image) analysis and classification (See GAP, NDVI, Etc.) Aerial photography (satellite, planes, and drones… oh my)
THE TOOLS – GIS DATA GPS – Global Positioning System Not just navigation Not just geocaching Not just where you parked your car Survey Science! (bison, sample locations, etc.) Data – all of it. Any geographic component Downloads and web services Points, lines, polygons, tabular, raster, multi-spectral Elevation, climate, administrative, water, aerial photographs, landcover And on… and on… and on… and on… and on……
IOWA GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION COUNCIL– IGIC Established in 1998 by Executive Order #65 Terry E. Branstad The mission of IGIC is to foster an efficient GIS environment through cooperation and coordination with public and private entities that access, collect, provide, and share data, metadata, applications and educational opportunities.
IGIC – GUIDING PRINCIPLES Promote the use of geographic information technology among public and private organizations and individuals for planning, decision-making and problem-solving processes. Promote education and training in GIS and related technologies within all levels of education. Adopt, communicate and promote standards for use by the GIS community to facilitate data collection and promote data sharing. Promote partnerships for the purpose of data development and data sharing. Provide a mechanism through which the interests and concerns of Iowa’s GIS community can be directed to appropriate policy makers. Provide operating policies and procedures for management of the Council.
IGIC – MEMBERSHIP 435 members Community Colleges and K-12 Universities Municipal, County, State and Federal Governments Regional Planning Organizations Private Sector
IGIC – PROJECTS Return on Investment Study Aerial Photography coordination ESRI Higher Education Site License (discounted software) Elevation Data (LIDAR) GIS Inventory and Clearinghouse
IOWA GEOMENTORING TASK FORCE IGIC Initiative Purpose Statement: To create a network of geomentors for the promotion and support of geospatial technology education throughout the State of Iowa. This would involve, but is not limited to K-12 schools, 4-H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other non-profits organizations. Year 1 Goal (Deadline - October 1, 2015): Create the Iowa Geomentoring Network (IGN). IGN is to be established as a permanent Iowa Geographic Information Council (IGIC) service.
THE RESOURCES – INTERESTED? Esri has a new license that works directly with school? -- Form for K12 Schools to request a license 14&utm_campaign=TCEA+TechNotes &utm_medium= Esri's ConnectED page; ArcGIS Online Org for any US K12 school -- ArcGIS Online Org for GIS users in education; see "01.InstructionDocs” -- Guidance on how to get started with ArcGIS Online, usable by educators and students at any level -- Form through which a US K12 school requests an Org (also accessible above) -- Suggestions for educators and mentors to find each other and collaborate successfully -- Story Map including key maps and info about GIS in ed --