Hyphae with no septa
Pore Type within Septum
Secreted Catalyst
Structural Polymer in Oomycete Cell Walls
Network of Hyphae
Fusion of Nuclei
Metabolic Pathway
Large Bundles of Mycelia
Fungal Storage Product
Term for Asexual Life Cycle of a Fungus
Term for Sexual Life Cycle of a Fungus
Fusion of Cytoplasm
Nuclear Condition of Hyphal Segment
Thick-Walled Hyphal Segment; Breaks Off to Become a Spore
Hyphal Outgrowth that Breaks Off and Functions as Spore (Hint: This is NOT a Sporangium)
Asexual Structure in which Spores are Produced
Stalk of a Sporangium
General Term for Spores (Zoospores, Aplanospores) ProducedIn a Sporangium
Non-Flagellated Spores Produced in a Sporangium
Fungal Cell Wall Component
Term for Hyphae with Septa
Type of Mitosis Common in Fungi
Type of Organism which Uptakes Carbohydrates
Name of Molecule
Anaerobic Metabolic Pathway
Anaerobic Metabolic Process
Major Eukaryotic Clade
Flagella Type
In Saprolegnia, Ploidy Level of Anamorphic Stage
Flagellated Spores released from Sporangium in Saprolegnia
Emerging Hypha from Germinating Spore in Saprolegnia
Female Gametangium in Saprolegnia
Dormant Zygote in Saprolegnia
Disease that Ravaged Ireland in mid-19 th Century
Oomycete responsible for Late Potato Blight
Fungal Disease of Grapes
Oomycete Responsible for Grape Downy Mildew
Fungal Disease of Mustards
Oomycete Responsible for White Rust
Fungal Disease of Seedlings
Oomycete Responsible for Damping Off Disease
Physarum Name of this Structure
Physarum Ploidy Level of a Nucleus in this Structure
Physarum Name of this Reproductive Structure
Physarum Dormant Phase of Physarum Plasmodium
Dictyostelium Name for Structure formed by Aggregating Myxamoebae
Dictyostelium Ploidy Level of Nucleus in Each Cell
Chemical Messenger
Dictyostelium Name of Structure
Name for Spore Producing Structure Dictyostelium
Mode of Food Uptake
Name for “Arm”
Fungal Group
Flagellum Type
Hypha-Like Structure in Chytrid that Tapers at End and has No Nuclei
Life Cycle with Extensive Diploid and Haploid Phases (Same as in Plants)
Sporangium Type in Allomyces
Ploidy Level of Zoospores Produced Here
Sporangium Type in Allomyces
Ploidy Level of Zoospores Produced Here
Type of Gametangium in Allomyces
Dimorphic Gametes
Gametes of Equal Size
Life Form of Immersed Chytrid
Life Form of Surface Chytrid
Life Form of Free-Living Chytrid
Chytrid Life Cycle in which Entire Thallus converts to Sporangium/Gametangium
Chytrid Life Cycle in which Part of Thallus converts to Sporangium/Gametangium
Eucarpid Chytrid with Multiple Sporangia/Gametangia
Eucarpic Chytrid that forms One Sporangium/Gametangium
Ploidy Level of Anamorph in Zygomycetes
In Rhizopus, type of asexual spore produced within sporangium
In Rhizopus, term for Fused Hyphae
In Rhizopus, term for fused cells formed after septa form
In Rhizopus, term for young structure after fusion septum dissolves (Teleomorph)
In Rhizopus, mature sporangium (Teleomorph)
In Rhizopus, type of Suspensors
In Rhizopus, type of Sporangium produced from within Zygospore
+ - Term used to Describe Different Hyphal Strains that Fuse
In zygomycetes, sporangia that produce very few spores
In Pilobolus, swelling at base of Sporangiophore
In Pilobolus, region below Sporangium that becomes Turgid
In Pilobolus, region that produces asexual spores
In Pilobolus, region just below subsporangial vesicle that is filled with carotenoids