Conjunctions GRAMMAR
Coordinate Conjunctions Coordinating conjunctions are used primarily to join sentences or ideas of equal value. We have seven common coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so for indicates cause and indicates addition nor indicates addition but indicates contrast or indicates choice yet indicates exception so indicates cause
Coordinating Conjunctions Examples: I first cleaned my room, and then I went to the gym. I wanted to go to the movies, but I had to stay home. James can work on his assignment, or he can mow the lawn. I went to the store early, for we had no milk for breakfast. Sue did not want chocolate ice cream, nor did she want strawberry. He needed to get the job done, yet he lacked the motivation. She wasn’t feeling well, so she left the party early.
Coordinating Conjunctions Practice 1.Johnny wanted to play football next weekend, (but/and) he has a broken ankle. 2.Deserts are hot and dry, (for/yet) many plants grow there. 3.Pat looked at the antique rocker, (and/but/or) she couldn’t afford to buy it. 4.Abby might go to the library, (but/so/nor) she might stay home. 5.Sue jogs every day, (but/yet/for) she wants to stay in shape. 6.His shoes are worn, (for/so/or) he has no socks. 7.Guy is a contractor, (so/and/but) he knows the construction business.
Subordinate Conjunctions Most common subordinate conjunctions: Afterasbeforesinceuntil Whenwhilebecausethatso that In order thatsoalthoughifunless Even thoughthoughwhereas These conjunctions generally show relationships of time, cause & effect, opposition, and condition.
Subordinate Conjunctions Examples: After we had eaten our meal, we watched television. Kelly was not able to join us because he had not cleaned his room. Marion was conscientious about her homework so that she could get a high GPA.
Subordinate Conjunctions Practice… do not use a subordinate conjunction more than once. 1._____________ he claims that he is innocent, everyone knows he is guilty. 2._____________ you’re here, I’m going to tell you a secret. 3._____________ I prefer to live in an apartment, my wife wants to buy a house. 4._____________ I had seen that movie three times, I watched it again. 5._____________ you already know the answer, why are you asking me?
Correlative Conjunctions Correlative conjunctions are pairs of words that are used to link parts of the sentence together. Neither…nor Either…or As…as Not only…but also Both…and Just as…so too Whether…or
Correlative Conjunctions Examples: Incorrect: Not only was the girl loud and boisterous, she was also openly rude. If you have not only, you must have but also…both words. Correct: Not only was the girl loud and boisterous, but she was also openly rude. Incorrect: Just as Carl made an A in chemistry, he also made an A in biology. Just as goes with so too. You cannot have only half the conjunction. Correct: Just as Carl made an A in chemistry, so too did he make an A in biology.
Correlative Conjunctions Practice: 1.______ Alex ______ Carlos applied for the job. 2.I found ______ my homework _____ my textbook under my bed. 3.I can’t decide _____ I should take French next year ____ take Spanish. 4._____ my brother _____ my sister can go to the game. 5._____ you clean your room, _____ you will stay home this weekend. 6.Marissa found ____ ____ the shoes she had lost ____ ____ her favorite necklace. 7.____ we go to San Francisco ____ New York for our holidays, I’ll be happy.