Chapter A Call to Arms
The Continental Congress / Colonies act together / 55 delegates meet in Philadelphia / All colonies except Georgia represented / MA - sent John and Samuel Adams / NY - sent John Jay / VA - sent Richard Henry Lee and Patrick Henry / Outspoken defenders of colonial rights / Henry - “I am not a Virginian, but an American” / Colonies act together / 55 delegates meet in Philadelphia / All colonies except Georgia represented / MA - sent John and Samuel Adams / NY - sent John Jay / VA - sent Richard Henry Lee and Patrick Henry / Outspoken defenders of colonial rights / Henry - “I am not a Virginian, but an American”
Decisions of the Congress / Drafted a statement of grievances / Laws (since 1763) violated colonists rights / Boycott on all British goods / Suffolk Resolves / People of Suffolk County (Boston) called to arms / Militias were formed / WAR?? / Drafted a statement of grievances / Laws (since 1763) violated colonists rights / Boycott on all British goods / Suffolk Resolves / People of Suffolk County (Boston) called to arms / Militias were formed / WAR??
First Battles / Minutemen - ready to fight at a minute’s notice. / New England - prepares to fight / Minutemen - ready to fight at a minute’s notice. / New England - prepares to fight
Britain Prepares / New England colonies - “State of Rebellion” / Sir Thomas Gage / British general in Boston / Instructions to seize weapons / Militia storing arms in Concord (20 miles NW of Boston) / New England colonies - “State of Rebellion” / Sir Thomas Gage / British general in Boston / Instructions to seize weapons / Militia storing arms in Concord (20 miles NW of Boston)
Alerting the Colonists / Dr. Joseph Warren - unusual activity on Boston Common / Paul Revere and William Dawes / Dawes warns Adams and Hancock of danger at Lexington / Revere warns countryside / “The British are Coming” / Dr. Joseph Warren - unusual activity on Boston Common / Paul Revere and William Dawes / Dawes warns Adams and Hancock of danger at Lexington / Revere warns countryside / “The British are Coming”
Fighting at Lexington and Concord / April 19,1775 / About 70 minutemen ready at Lexington / “Throw down your arms, ye villains, ye rebels!” / “The Shot heard round the World” / 8 minutemen dead / April 19,1775 / About 70 minutemen ready at Lexington / “Throw down your arms, ye villains, ye rebels!” / “The Shot heard round the World” / 8 minutemen dead
Fighting at Lexington and Concord / British move on Concord / Militia had already moved gunpowder / North Bridge / Minutemen ready behind trees, rocks, and fences / Fired upon British as they retreated to Boston / British move on Concord / Militia had already moved gunpowder / North Bridge / Minutemen ready behind trees, rocks, and fences / Fired upon British as they retreated to Boston
More Military Action / Benedict Arnold - captain of CT militia / Seize Fort Ticonderoga / Strategically located / Rich in military supplies / Benedict Arnold - captain of CT militia / Seize Fort Ticonderoga / Strategically located / Rich in military supplies
More Military Action / Ethan Allen / Leading similar expedition in VT / “Green Mountain Boys” / Together with Arnold - caught the British by surprise / Garrison captured May, / Ethan Allen / Leading similar expedition in VT / “Green Mountain Boys” / Together with Arnold - caught the British by surprise / Garrison captured May,
The Battle of Bunker Hill / Militia set up fortifications on Bunker and Breed’s Hill / Strategic location / Across harbor from Boston / Militia set up fortifications on Bunker and Breed’s Hill / Strategic location / Across harbor from Boston
The Battle of Bunker Hill / British want Americans out / American Colonel Prescott / “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes” / British forces charge hill 3 times / British want Americans out / American Colonel Prescott / “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes” / British forces charge hill 3 times
The Battle of Bunker Hill Americans ran out of Ammo - had to retreat British win battle “Pyrrhic victory” British Lesson Defeating Americans will not be quick or easy Americans ran out of Ammo - had to retreat British win battle “Pyrrhic victory” British Lesson Defeating Americans will not be quick or easy
Choosing Sides / Join rebels? Or remain loyal to British? / Loyalists - people who choose to side with Britain / Did not feel taxes and regulations reasons to rebel / Officeholders who would lose position/job / Others lived in isolation and weren’t affected / Join rebels? Or remain loyal to British? / Loyalists - people who choose to side with Britain / Did not feel taxes and regulations reasons to rebel / Officeholders who would lose position/job / Others lived in isolation and weren’t affected
Choosing Sides / Join rebels? Or remain loyal to British? / Patriots / Determined to fight British - until independence was won. / Join rebels? Or remain loyal to British? / Patriots / Determined to fight British - until independence was won.
Assignment / Use the following vocabulary words found in your notes to write a one paragraph summary of section 5-3. / Be sure to paraphrase from your notes - DO NOT COPY WORD FOR WORD! / Use the following vocabulary words found in your notes to write a one paragraph summary of section 5-3. / Be sure to paraphrase from your notes - DO NOT COPY WORD FOR WORD!
Assignment / Continental Congress / Sir Thomas Gage / Paul Revere / Lexington and Concord / Bunker Hill / Patriots / Loyalists / Continental Congress / Sir Thomas Gage / Paul Revere / Lexington and Concord / Bunker Hill / Patriots / Loyalists