Standard III: The student will understand the eras of revolution, expansion, & reform prior to the United States Civil War
Objective 1: Identify & evaluate the impact of the American Revolution. (6 questions)
Causes of Revolutionary War No taxation without representation Boston Massacre: March 5, 1770
Boston Tea Party Parliament punished colonists by the Intolerable (Coercive) Acts Patrick Henry- “Give me liberty or give me death.” Spoken in the Virginia House of Burgesses
Course of Revolutionary War April Battle of Lexington-Concord- 1 st battle of Revolutionary War Lexington had a colonial arsenal & British troops wanted to take it over Minutemen (men that were ready to fight at a moment’s notice) marched to protect the arsenal Paul Revere, William Dawes, & Samuel Prescott- rode to Lexington to warn of the coming British
Battle of Bunker Hill- loss for the Americans George Washington was named commander of the Continental Army Battle of Trenton & Princeton- victories for Washington Valley Forge- winter of hard conditions; many American soldiers died Battle of Saratoga- American victory; France was now willing to send help to Americans; turning point of the Revolutionary War
Battle of Yorktown- British Gen. Cornwallis forced to surrender to America; last battle of the Revolution
Consequences of Revolution Treaty of Paris, recognized America’s independence; borders were stretched from Canada to Spanish Florida & from Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River
Events Leading to Another War England & France at war with each other Impressments- England & France would kidnap American sailors & force them to fight for their country America created embargo on French & British goods; France stopped impressments & America dropped the embargo