Rob Ford Rob ford was denied access to enter the united states on may 5 th in Chicago for rehab. The Consul General of Canada in Chicago, Roy Norton stated “He voluntarily withdrew his application to enter the USA”, he was not denied entry.
Rob Fords denial Roy Norton said his office was not involved and that U.S. Customs and Border Protection informed him of these limited details after the fact. He said he did not know the circumstances of Mr. Ford’s abrupt departure. Kris Grogan said the privacy act prevents officials from commenting on “an individual’s processing,” but he pointed out that anyone hoping to enter the United States must “overcome all grounds of inadmissibility” – which include criminality, security reasons and documentation requirements, among dozens of others.
Rob Fords where about Rob Ford’s whereabouts are not known. Doug Ford would not comment on his brother's whereabouts. Doug Ford told the reporters "For the one- millionth time, Rob Ford is in a rehabilitation program,“ He will not give his brother's location because the media will "stake it out."
The reason The reason that Rob Ford was denied access to the united states was that Rob Ford had a new video showing Rob Ford smoking what is alleged to be crack cocaine, and after the Toronto Sun obtained an audio recording of the mayor making racist, sexist and homophobic remarks, The major stepped aside – temporarily – to get help. “The bottom line is he’s in rehab, he’s getting rehab and he’ll be there for a number of weeks – and that’s the answer. It’s not like he’s at a baseball game in Los Angeles or something.”
Rob Fords Rehab “Rob Ford stated that he has a problem with alcohol, and the choices he have made while under the influence. Rob Ford has struggled with this for some time,” Rob Ford said in a prepared statement late on Wednesday. “Rob Ford has tried to deal with these issues by his self over the past year. Rob Ford knows that he needs professional help and he is now 100 per cent committed to getting himself right.”