The MAGDAS Instrument and Space Science at the University of Zambia Habatwa V. Mweene Head, Department of Physics University of Zambia Lusaka, Zambia
MAGDAS at the University of Zambia
Space Science Department branching out in new directions Space science one of the new areas of interest Collaborative activities with South Africans and others
Current Situation Several Zambians trained in Space Science PhDs: Patrick Sibanda, Chigomezyo Ngwira Masters: Fred Joe Nambala, Webby Miyoba, Remmy Musumpuka
Collaborators University of the Northwest, South Africa Marius Potgieter – PhD supervisor of Nchimunya Mwiinga Hermanus Magnetic Observatory Lee-Anne McKinnell – PhD supervisor of Patrick Sibanda and Chigomezyo Ngwira
Other Initiatives The National Astronomy and Space Science Programme (NASSP), University of Cape Town, South Africa The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) SALT Telescope
Future Initiatives Introduction of Space Science at UNZA Syllabus being worked on with University of the Northwest Manpower being developed: Nchimunya Mwiinga New lecturers appointed: Patrick Sibanda, Fred Joe Nambala
Research Aspect Mwiinga working with Marius Potgieter Sibanda working with McKinnell Hopes of Nambala and others working on MAGDAS
Situation to Date MAGDAS has no training component MAGDAS has no research collaboration component Source of worry at UNZA Situation should be addressed
Ideal Format for MAGDAS Places and scholarships for Masters and PhD studies Training in how to use the MAGDAS data Trips to Japan for collaborative research
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