Legislation & Case Law Update Joanna Keating & Mehboob Ahmad Protection of Rights Unit Mental Health & Protection of Rights Division
Integration: “Highlands” Context The Community Care (Joint Working etc.) (S) Amendment Regulations in force 30 March 2012 updated/amended the Community Care (Joint Working etc) (Scotland) Regulations 2002 (contains delegable functions between NHS bodies and local authorities) enables / allows (does not require) particular functions under the 2003 Act (s25, 26, 27 and 33) to be delegated by council to NHS body. s25-27 changes not new - in original 2002 Regulations s33 duty to inquire function: by NHS body where delegated – but in practical terms NHS body would work with MHO given MHO duties re evidence to Sheriff etc s34 unaffected, so persons listed at s34(3) are required to co-operate (subject to specific exceptions).
Integration “Highlands” Context Cont’d The Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act 2002 (Incidental Provision) (Adult Support and Protection) Order 2012 came into force on 31 March 2012 affects ASPA reference to ‘council officer’ or “council nominee” now includes an employee / nominee of the relevant NHS body.
Tribunals Reform Bill for 2013 Key proposals of the Bill: Create a simple two-tier system for tribunals. Bring judicial leadership under the remit of the Lord President; Create a new office, the President of Scottish Tribunals (PST) with the responsibility for the efficient disposal of business in the new system; Establish new independent appointment arrangements. Efficiency in administration of justice Potential for future developments
Tribunals Reform Consultation Consulted March – June 2012 on 6 questions Special event run for mental health stakeholders during consultation period Consultees: Clarification sought on chamber structure Concern at possible loss of expertise Potential loss of MH focussed administration Cross ticketing across chambers?
Tribunals Reform: SG Response Government response to consultation issued 30 Aug Reassured: No proposal to alter ethos of MHTS Same panel and rules, retain expertise MHTS share good practise with others Structure not finalised
Mental Health Amendment Bill – A Reminder Content: McManus Recommendations Minor amendments VNS Scheme for MDOs Civil Emergency powers AWI Part 5
Bill Timing Not in this year’s legislative programme Earliest now will be 2013/2014 Parly session Subject to: Cabinet clearance; Govt priorities in health in next session Bills time intensive: time to prepare/get it right! Means changes take effect around 2014/2015
Meantime… Working on a draft Bill for consultation before end 2013; Work to update CoP and guidance
Secondary Legislation: Rule 58 Empowers the MHTS to decide cases without an oral hearing Old Position: Could only use if: all the parties agree in writing, MHTS considers that, having regard to the nature of the issues raised in the case, sufficient evidence is available to enable it to come to a decision; and to do so will not, in MHTS’ view, be contrary to patient’s interests. 2011 consultation re amending R58 to give MHTS power to decide cases w/o oral hearing on its own initiative – 4 options given re how this could work
Secondary Legislation: Rule 58 Cont’d Option 2 favoured: MHTS given power to deal with cases w/o a hearing on its own initiative, by writing out to parties, stating it has identified a particular case as being appropriate to be dealt with under rule 58 and intends to deal with the case under rule 58: patient can trigger automatic right to oral hearing: patient notifies MHTS they want an oral hearing; if patient does nothing, assumption that patient is content for MHTS to proceed with hearing under rule 58; the other parties may also still request an oral hearing on cause shown.
Challenges to legislation: RM Excessive security appeal Issue is “failure” of SMs to make regulations under s268 to “give life” to provisions extending ESR beyond TSH SG position is that SMs not ruled out, but keeping need under review Court of Session (Inner House) held Jan 2011 that no duty and no failure, upholding Outer House decision of July 2010 Will now be first appeal to Supreme Court (London) of case involving 2003 Act – 23 rd October 2012
Challenges to legislation: G “Discretion” of MHTS not to make an order to release (even where MHTS agreed patient did not require conditions of special security) Best treatment available at TSH Different Entry/Exit criteria Ct of Session held (Aug 2011) that discretion exercised appropriately with adequate reasoning provided by MHTS Patient’s appeal refused, now appealed to Supreme Court mid 2013
Challenges to legislation: JM/JMM If RO removed from CORO patient, review CO as well. In practice, if recommending revocation of RO, Ministers view that should also be variation of CO to make it community based
Challenges to legislation: Black Re curators ad litem Lack of appeal for curators from Tribunal to Sheriff Principal Supreme Court held that although no statutory right, remedies available
Other legislative changes Criminal Justice & Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 In force from 25 June 2012 New statutory defence to replace common law defence of insanity Acquittal involving mental disorder – procedure changes Unfitness for trial Abolition of common law rules
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