Married to Isabella of Angoulême December 24, Friends "No man may every trust him." I don’t trust you anymore! Ok, I don’t care
Just got excommunicated from the church Wall II Just got excommunicated from the church I am going to use stronger measures unless you submit. Find, I accept
The barons are turning against me. Wall III Going off to meet the leaders of these barons. Going to seal the magna carta break your word as soon as hostilities cease
I am going to rebel against Henry! Wall IV I am going to rebel against Henry! So am I, I don’t like him. Why?? Because you imprisoned my mother
Just became the ruler of Ireland! Wall V Just became the ruler of Ireland Leaving after eight months, no one likes me here anyway
Male December 24, 1167 Beaumont Palace, Oxford Married to Isabella of Angoulême Political views here Catholic King of England (April 6, 1199 – October 19, 1216 (17 years, 196 days) Conquering more land Old music History Channel. Discovery Channel Troy I don’t read, Don’t have time Signed the magna carta Dispute with the pope Was once ruler of England Got excommunicated from the church Died: October 19, 1216 (aged 48) Profile
Friends All Friends King Richard IKing Henry II Philip AugustusLlywelyn the Great Isabella of Angoulême Pope Innocent III Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine No Picture available Stephen LangtonMatthew Paris Louis VIII of France