The role of competition authorities and sectoral regulators: regional experiences
Competition authorities and sectoral regulators in Poland Office of Competition and Consumer Protection Sectoral regulators - Office of Electronic Communications Energy - Energy Regulatory Office - Office of Railway Transport - Civil Aviation Office
Office of Competition and Consumer Protection – OCCP History of the OCCP Evolution of the legislation concerning competences of the OCCP Act on Competition and Consumer Protection Competences of the President of the Office provided for in separate acts Accession to the Euroean Union – new challenges for OCCP
Main competences of the President of the OCCP Competition protection State aid Consumer protection General product safety Fuel quality monitoring and scrutinizing system CE marking
Office of Electronic Communications - OEC Mission of the President of the Office Telecommunications market in Poland Liberalization of the Polish telecommunications market Competences and tasks of the President of the OEC
Energy Regulatory Office - ERO Mission of the President of the Office Energy Law - the regulatory framework for the Polish energy sector Instruments of competitiveness promotion and protection against monopoly abuse Powers and responsibilities of the President of the ERO
Office of Railway Transport - ORT The main competences of the President of ORT : –Regulation concerning the railway transport –Control access to the market – licensing –Technical supervision and maintaining of the rail network as well as carriages –Monitoring the safety of the railway traffic
Civil Aviation Office - CAO Establishment of the CAO Mission of the President of the CAO Functions of the President of the CAO