Gender and Crime Description: Link: Description: Link: Description: Link: The Bureau of Justice Statistics offers an online source of information and statistics on various topics such as crime characteristics, victim/criminal characteristics, prosecution, and courts and sentencing. The Bureau of Justice Statistics Homepage This website lists some common myths and facts about young women’s violent crime patters and behaviors based on a study conducted by the Elizabeth Fry Society. It focuses on some of the mythical and factual causes of women’s violent crime as well as the reasons for its increase. Myths and Facts About Young Women’s Violence Women Coping In Prison is a joint project of the University of Virginia and Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women. Their focus is on explaining the trends of women’s imprisonment, the demographic characteristics of women, and the concerns and health needs of women prisoners. Women in Prison
Class and Crime Description: Link: Description Link: Description: Link: This site is a comprehensive report of the lives of South Carolinians ages 18 to 29. This report includes trends in crime and violence as well as the characteristics of victims and criminals. In addition, it explores some of the major social factors influencing crime rates, specifically socioeconomic deprivation. Crime trends in South Carolina This site displays an article written by Herbert J. Gans discussing the class bias existing within the criminal justice system throughout history. He attributes the fear of individuals as a major cause for the labeling of the poor as criminals. Violence and Poverty: Images and realities of the “underclass” This article explains the positive correlation existing between higher crime rates and low wages and unemployment. The article sites a correlation between low wages/unemployment for only certain types of violent crime, those being assault and robbery. High Crime Rates Linked to Low Wages and Unemployment
Age and Crime Description: Link: Description: Link: Description: Link: This site offers an informative graph about the distribution of violent crimes and age. It also offers some important factual interpretation of the given graph. This site offers an article that gives factual information on crimes and age of offenders, specifically focusing on the juvenile age group. This site offers a table which list all types of different crimes organized by age groups.
Race and Crime Description: Link: Description: Link: Description: Link: Violent Victimization and Race : This source offers statistical facts about different types of crimes and different races. This table offers information about different types of crimes committed by violators of different races ages 12 and over. Race, Ethnicity and Serious and Violent Juvenile Offending: This resource resource offers and article which addresses the issue of race and ethnicity and different types of crimes, including violent crimes.