By: Garret Vanderlinde & Connor Matthews PERSONAL DOUBLE BINDS
WHAT IS A DOUBLE BIND? According to, a double bins is a situation of conflict where there is no escape; unresolvable dilemma.
GARRET’S DOUBLE BIND(INTRO.) Really good friends starting at a young age He got to the age of about 13 years old and tried to convert me Double Bind- I can either stick with my beliefs and lose my friend or I can go with what he is trying to tell me and lose self-respect Ended up sticking with my own beliefs and lost him as a friend
IMPLICATION Choosing to have my own beliefs and not having religion determine a friendship has made me a stronger person. I always make decisions based upon what I believe in and not what society wants me to. I will always like a person for who they are on the inside. Making new friends got me to know a person in the hospitality industry which got me interested in my major.
ANALYTICAL REFLECTION It opened my eyes to see that relationships and double binds happen even at the youngest of ages all the time. I feel that I became a stronger person by choosing to follow my own beliefs Relationships happen everywhere and all the time and the more experience with double binds the more prepared I am to solve situations
CONNOR’S DOUBLE BIND (INTRODUCTION) When I was in fourth grade my parents got divorced. At first, there was a schedule where my sisters and I were to go to one parents house one week and then go to the others the next week. However, after I got older, my parents started disliking each other more and more which caused a lot of problems for me and my sisters. It seems like a lot of the time we were pulled into the middle of situations that only my dad and mom were involved in.
INTRODUCTION CONT.. When I got into high school, my dad wanted me to go to one high school and my mom wanted me to go to another. I ended up choosing the high school my mom wanted me to go to because that’s where a lot of my friends from middle school were going. My dad got angry at both me and my mom, and that’s when I had to deal with my double bind. I had to choose which parent to live with full time.
IMPLICATIONS I ended up choosing to live with my mom which I think benefited me greatly. Not only has my mom supported me for everything I did in high school like sports, but she also helped my decision to attend NAU. I also think that choosing to live with my mom helped me decide my career in the criminal justice field. My grandpa and great grandpa on my mom’s side were both police officers. One of them being a lieutenant for Flagstaff DPS, and the other one who started as a police officer and retiring from customs.
ANALYTICAL REFLECTION Made me realize we are caught in more double binds than we think and that it can happen between friends and even families. In the long run I think that I almost benefited in this double bind besides the fact that my dad and I aren’t close. Learned that for future double binds that I should look ahead and try to figure out what will happen in the long run and base my decisions off of that.