oratory – n. the art of public speaking, especially in a formal and eloquent manner.
The art of pubic speaking was first developed by the Greeks and then adopted by the Romans. Public speaking is still important in our society today.
A UIL event where students give a speech over a topic that tries to persuade the audience to agree with a side of an issue.
6 th grade students in the GT/Accelerated classes participate in Modern Oratory. The three students competing at UIL will come from our two classes. You may also be in another non- speaking UIL event.
First, you will select a topic and research critical issues on it. You will clearly define the problem and show both sides of the issue (pros and cons). You will then pick a side and defend and support that side with evidence.
Finally, you will give a three to six minute speech to the class based on your findings. Students who demonstrate effective communication skills (by holding the interest of the audience) will go on to the UIL contest.
Our Modern Oratory Project will count for two test grades. One for your research paper and one for your speech. Have no fear…Mrs. Yowell is here… I will guide you every step of the way – and we will have FUN doing it!!! Let’s get started…