THEMATIC ESSENCE OF UDDHAVA-GÉT Ä Lesson 22: The Process of Deity Worship THEMATIC ESSENCE OF UDDHAVA-GÉT Ä Lesson 22: The Process of Deity Worship (SB Canto 11, Chapter 27) 3/17/2012Carucandra Dasa 1
Recap & Chapter Highlights In this chapter, Lord Krsna instructs Uddhava about the principles of the practice of Deity worship, its ingradients, the various Deity forms, and the rules and regulations to be observed by the worshiper. Bhikñu-gétä of the the Avanté brähmaëa the mind absorbed in material conception of life, the false ego experience material dualities Deity worship of the Supreme Lord = paìcarätrika-viddhi purifies the mind, one derives peace and satisfaction Brahmä, Çiva, Närada, and Vyäsa, all recommended this process 3/17/2012Carucandra Dasa 2
Uddhava is inquiring about the Deity worship for the welfare of the common people, since he is already a surrendered devotee and constantly attached to the Lord in love (1-5). Bhägavata- (hearing, chanting, remembering the glories of the Supreme Lord the 9-fold ds) and päïcarätrika- viddhi goes hand-in-hand or complements each other gains release from the material conception of life = 3 modes of material nature 3/17/2012Carucandra Dasa 3
Three methods of worship according to the prescribed rules and regulations (6-7) 1. Vedic mantras from the 4 Vedas and Upaniñads 2. Täntrika 18-syllable mantras from the literature such as Gautamiya tantra 3. Mixed utilization of the both mantras according to what is suitable for one’s condition of life 3/17/2012Carucandra Dasa 4
Worshiping the Lord with faith and devotion according to one’s social and occupational status = varëäçrama-dharma (8-9) The process of worship performed when one is still in the bodily conception of life arcanä Without being twice-born (dvija) Deity worship of the Lord is improper päïcarätrika purification process 1 st (çaukra, or seminal) 2 nd (savitra, or twice born) and 3 rd birth (dikñä) with spiritual, or brahminical initiation; receiving Gäyatré mantra from a guru 3/17/2012Carucandra Dasa 5
The initial preparation for the Deity worship (10-18) Cleanliness brush teeth and bathe followed by smearing with earth and chanting Vedic and täntrik mantras Fixing the mind on the Lord and worshiping Him by chanting Gäyatré mantra three times a day gradual purification from the worshiper’s past karmic reactions Deity form of the Lord in 8 varieties—stone, wood, metal, earth, paint, sand, the mind, and jewels according to the scriptural verdict 3/17/2012Carucandra Dasa 6
Movable and immovable Deity The Deity should be cleansed and bathed according to what it is made of The worship of the Deity in great opulence or according to what is available at one’s disposal, even within the mind depending upon the time and circumstances Decorating the Deity with beautiful clothes, ornaments, and flowers the Lord should be invoked and established on sanctified ground by the chanting of the mantras offering of arghya and water Whatever one offers but it should be with faith and loving devotion 3/17/2012Carucandra Dasa 7
Details of the process of Deity worship (19-55) Self purification by äcamana (or the ritual called bhutta-çuddhi) sitting on a kuça mat, and then facing the Deity followed by performing aìga-nyäsa on one’s own body and on that of the Deity while chanting the mülä mantras (one should keep a pot of water for sprinkling) Decorate three pitchers of water with sandalwood paste and flowers, which will be used for offering pädya to the Deity 3/17/2012Carucandra Dasa 8
One should first worship the Lord mentally and then with full concentration, invoke the Lord within the Deity Offer arghya, äcamana, and various paraphernelia to the Deity while chanting mantras One should then worship along with the Lord’s asociates, in order, the Lord’s sudarçana cakra, päïjanya conch shell, flower garland, sward, arrows, bow, plow, mauçala weapon, Kaustabha gem, and Çrévatsa (the curl of hair on His chest) Offer the Lord padya, arghya, äcamana, sandalwood pulp, incense, a ghee lamp, ätapa rice and flowers 3/17/2012Carucandra Dasa 9
Palatable food should be offered to the Lord Offering of the fire sacrifice One should meditate on the Lord and request forgiveness of offenses to the Deity worship After taking permission from the Lord, one should honor the prasäda One should ecstatically engage in hearing about the Lord, glorifying Him, and dancing with great enthusiasm One should recite prayers to the Lord from the puräëas, which were spoken by great sages and elevated devotees. One should appeal to the Lord to become pleased by his service and for His protection one should bow down with great respect and accept the remnants of the Lord’s flower garland 3/17/2012Carucandra Dasa 10