Gray Wolves By Christy Taylor
Size The Grey Wolf is the largest canine. An adult wolf’s height is at shoulder and average weight of an adult female Gray wolf is 40 kg, and the average weight of an adult male wolf is 50 kg.
Packs Gray wolves are social animals and have packs with 2-12 wolves. There is a alpha male and alpha female, the pack leaders. They communicate with barks, growls, howls and whines.
What They Eat Gray wolves eat small mammals and large hoofed mammals. Beavers, rabbits, caribou, elk, etc.
Gray Wolves Are in Danger Gray Wolves are being endangered and are being hunted down frequently. There is a wolf habitat in “Yellowstone region of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana.” These wolves are being “Poisoned, trapped and shot.”
A Little Fun Fact *The scientific name Gray Wolf is Canis Lupis and Gray Wolf is also called the Timber Wolf
A Donation Website I found this donation website to save endangered Gray Wolves. Donate today and you get a gift! Also, when it says adopt a wolf, your not really adopting a wolf!