Grid Security in a production environment: 4 years of running Andrew McNab University of Manchester
1 September 2004Grid Security in a production environment Outline ● About GridPP ● Using X.509 ● Grid ACLs + Groups ● GridSite Philosophy ● Experience => design ● Web services ● Security toolkit
1 September 2004Grid Security in a production environment About GridPP GridPP is a collaboration of ~100 particle physicists, engineers and computer scientists 15 UK sites + CERN GridSite software was developed to manage Allows users to edit or upload pages etc. Security is key to this...
1 September 2004Grid Security in a production environment Using X.509 Every member of GridPP has an X.509 certificate – Originally from UK HEP CA, now UK e-Science CA We've used this to control read and write access – Don't have to type passwords once cert is loaded – Works with all credible browsers – Some areas of the site, eg portals, give access to grid resources based on X.509 themselves Users can edit HTML in their browser window Can upload HTML, images etc from their browser Manage ACLs and groups through a web GUI
1 September 2004Grid Security in a production environment Grid ACLs + Groups GridSite uses an XML access control language (GACL) to define read, write, list, admin permissions for files, directories and scripts – policies can use X.509/GSI certs, signed VOMS attribute certs (for Authz Push) or “DN List” groups (for Authz Pull) – right to edit an ACL can itself by delegated DN Lists are identified by a URI and consist of a list of X.509 subjects – via LDAP(S) / HTTP(S) from Authz servers elsewhere (including from EDG/LCG/EGEE VO-LDAP or VOMS) – or from locally managed DN Lists – possibly with administration delegated to a subgroup manager
1 September 2004Grid Security in a production environment GridSite Philosophy Re-use as much of Apache as possible – Original gridsite.cgi becomes mod_gridsite – use standard config files, Apache internal settings etc – less work for us when Apache/OpenSSL vulnerabilities & patches are published Support dynamic content in any language – via standalone CGIs or built-ins like mod_perl Keep generally useful machinery in a library – can be re-used by other server-side or even client tools Think about efficiency – eg make sure HTTPS connection reuse isn't prevented
1 September 2004Grid Security in a production environment Example of experience driving architecture GSI proxy support had 3 stages of evolution 1: maximal mod_ssl-GSI – Mike Jones' original patched version of mod_ssl – Only one file to install – but patching has to be redone every time mainstream mod_ssl changes 2: minimal mod_ssl-GSI/libgridsite – Move GSI handling into the library – Simplify patching to mod_ssl (down to a few lines) 3: remap SSL callbacks at runtime from mod_gridsite – mod_ssl not modified: just use vendor (re)releases
1 September 2004Grid Security in a production environment Non-Java WS hosting Most Web Services attention goes on Java – However, like many other application areas, Particle Physics has a continued (and growing!) investment in C++ code, applications in the form of native binaries and scripting languages as glue. Most of the web is based on the same Apache httpd tradition GridSite builds on – For CGI binaries, Perl Scripts, PHP pages etc, Apache is the equivalent of a Java servlet container like Tomcat. EGEE is starting with SOAP over SSL/TLS – GridSite's current “GSI/HTTPS” support provides a hosting environment for exactly this kind of architecture...
1 September 2004Grid Security in a production environment Libgridsite toolkit Core functions of GridSite pulled out into a library – Currently only C and C-to-C++ API, but adding scripting languages (Perl etc) More functionality to be added – eg library version of parallel HTTP etc from htcp command line tool – more credential types? CAS? Permis? Passwords? Aim to provide a general C/C++ Grid Security toolkit, for both client and server side implementations Previous versions already in use by EDG, LHC Computing Grid and EGEE.
1 September 2004Grid Security in a production environment For more details... See for the website in action And for more about the GridSite software itself