Sustainable Relaxation CD for Cardiac Rehabilitation Patricia Maguire R.G.N. H..Dip Mgt, H Dip Cardiac Rehabilitation. Cardiac Rehabilitation Co-ordinator Nuala Mc Keown B.Sc. (Hons) Psych, PGCert (Soc Sci)
Location Population in County Louth: 101,821 Population in Dundalk: 27,385
Standardised Mortality Rates for Ischaemic Heart Disease in Europe per 100,000 population IrelandEuropean Union 1996 Ireland EU
Building Healthier Hearts 1999 ‘Cardiovascular diseases eventually kill half the Irish population.’ ‘Psychological disturbances post coronary artery disease have been shown to inhibit long term outcomes’ ‘Psychological distress has a major impact on health care costs.’
Research Anxiety and depression have been associated with poor outcomes in patients with an otherwise good recovery (Mark et al., 1992 cited in Building Healthier Hearts, 1999). Research indicates that distressed patients were re-hospitalised at a rate significantly higher than non-distressed patients (McGee et al., 1994 cited in Building Healthier Hearts, 1999)
Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase I, II, III. Phase III – Exercise and Education Sessions 8 Week Programme – out patient based
Stress Management Session Education Session- One Hour Relaxation Session- Fifteen Minutes Information pack given to each patient Relaxation CD offered to patients
Criteria for CD Suitable for both women and men Affordable Available in Rehab Unit
Process Recording Studio Funding Reproduction
Relaxation Compact Disc As part of the stress management class patients listen to the guided imagery section of the CD Patients are offered the CD at a nominal sum of five euro for home use.
Other settings Relaxation Sessions offered to Staff Community Links Future developments
Comments & Evaluation ‘First night sleep I had in years’ ‘It sounds so simple and is practical’ ‘It’s a no nonsense CD’ ‘All this information has changed my life’ Evaluation Form