ArcGIS Server
What’s Interesting? Cartography Caching Geoprocessing Security Future ArcGIS Explorer (a side note)
Cartography 2 Types of Browser Display –Browser Blending Separate images are used for each object on the page and are blended in the browser. The browser does most of the work. Faster, and the default setting. –Web Blending All objects are combined into one image on the server before being pushed to the browser. Puts most of the work on the server. Slower.
Simplicity –No complex VB scripts for labeling expressions –Create a new layer for data instead of using a definition query –Use ESRI_Optimized symbol palette –Use shadows instead of text backgrounds or halos –Use annotation instead of labels –Convert symbology to representation (store symbology in the feature class)
–Show only relevant information –Use field visibility Only show necessary fields –Use scale dependencies Represent things differently at different scales (simplify the cartography) –Use simple character markers –Use integer fields for symbol values instead of character fields –Avoid cartographic lines –Use indexed fields for queries
Tuning –Use high isolation for everything –Allow 2-4 instances per SOC –Use JPG for images –Use PNG for vectors –Use 2GB of RAM per CPU core –Try Microsoft’s Fiddler to check traffic
Caching Be consistent with the tiling scheme Use Firefox’s Tools>Page Info>Media dialog to check the tiled images You can update individual tiles with the Update Cache Geoprocessing Tool Set the map background to a gross color to avoid having your colors come out transparent –ESRI uses RGB 51,52,53 for their background
Zooming is restricted to the cache levels Match scale dependencies to the cache level You can alter the cached images (they are just JPGs….) if you want Build a small area first and test it to make sure the levels are correct IE6 can not use PNG24 for blended caches –Their recommendation? Don’t use PNG24!
You can change the “full extent” in ArcMap to the visual extent before publishing –Especially good if you “outliers” Google tiles their data at 256x256, but ESRI defaults to 512x512 –Keep in mind if you want to use Google for a background… If you can’t see the Server toolbox, ESRI doesn’t load it by default ArcMap dynamically interpolates between cache levels
The ArcMap server cache is not automatically cleared so you have to do it manually (scheduled task anyone???) Check out for “casual” Check out for more up to date help
Geoprocessing 2 ways to use geoprocessing –Publish a map with a tool layer –Publish a tool or model by itself Be careful with temporary data –Use %ScratchWorkspace% to ensure there will be a data store for you –ESRI guarantees there will be a scratch.gdb in the server %ScratchWorkspace%
Input can not be a feature class –Switch it to a feature set and click on the map –Feature class is a valid output type Use in_memory data when possible –In_memory can be used as a path variable Locks being caused by ArcGIS Server is a known bug and will be fixed at Service Pack 3 for 9.2 All input AND output objects must be made into model parameters to run in Server
You can not have “Results are Temporary as Default” clicked on Asynchronous settings process tasks in a background worker thread Synchronous settings process the task and give back control when done Asynchronous results are stored on the server in the scratch workspace, but synchronous results are temporary Tasks published through a.mxd keep all of their symbolization, standalone tasks leave symbolization up to the client
Tool layers are good for sensitive data or large returns since they just send back an image and no real data Don’t ignore the maximum number of features returned setting There is a default 10 minute timeout period so if you have long running processes increase this Models that need to use layers in the TOC have to come from a.mxd
The SOC has to have access to everything involved in a model Use relative or UNC paths for everything in the model The SOC has to be able to see the actual.sde connection file to use SDE data –It can’t get it from the layer
3 important things to remember –You have to create a script or model to publish in Server –Do not publish system tools (out of Toolbox) because they require extra parameters that Server can’t supply –You will always have to make changes to existing models to get them to work with Server
Security 9.2 does not have specific security –It uses file and IIS security –9.3 will have a built-in security console in the ArcGIS Server Manager Authentication –Verifying who you are Authorization –Determining what you can access
Local Connections –SOM controls access –Connect to SOM using DCOM –Uses TCP/IP –Access controlled by the OS –Have to handle access control for two groups Agusers Agsadmin Internet Connections –IIS handles security
–Disable anonymous access –Add authorization to web.config IIS receives all requests, but routes.aspx pages through ASP.NET –ASP.NET handles security for.aspx pages –IIS always handles image security IIS handles windows authentication ASP.NET handles forms authentication Use Location Path in the global web.config file to secure specific folders –Located on the ArcGIS/Services tab
Future Lots of talk about integration to do mashups with Google and Virtual Earth SLD –Can publish layers with thematic styles based on attributes of layers without replicating the loaded layer WFS –Feature service –Non-locking versioned and non-versioned data access
WCS –Raster coverage support, not just image snapshots Becoming much more Google-like Javascript and AJAX API support for mashups –Google and Virtual Earth will be able to access ArcGIS Server via REST Caches can be built on demand Improved map tips
Can setup ArcGIS Server to just publish services Support for Microsoft and Google base maps Check out Check out the Gaia free viewer –
ArcGIS Explorer Can only view 3D maps –They may change this in the future Have to download the ArcExplorer SDK separately to customize Produces a.nmf file –Really just xml so you can look at it in Notepad if you like –Visual Studio will open the.nmf too Edit>Advanced>Formatdoc
Tasks are designed to be lightweight –The server should do all the “work” You can only modify the Task Framework –Code can only produce tasks –No real modification of the app allowed ArcGIS Explorer is ESRI’s only multithreaded application –Task work is done in a background worker thread
Geometry classes are read only –No editing allowed in this one Deploy custom tasks by putting them in a.nmf and ship off the.nmf ArcGIS Explorer is on a different release cycle than other ESRI applications –They want to release a new version every 3 months