Introduction Podcasting is the creation and distribution of amateur radio, plain and simple. Cracks and pops, obscure music, and ‘ums’ and ‘ahs’ are all a part of podcasting genre. What you need: a digital audio recorder and some space on a server.
Podcasts and audioblog is often used interchangeably but: Audioblog => blog with, or composed of, audio files. Podcasts => standalone audio files with RSS feed. RSS feed => small text directions (enclosure) about where to find specific podcasts Subscribing to a podcast means entering RSS feed into an RSS aggregator (Podcatcher) Subscribing to a podcast means entering RSS feed into an RSS aggregator (Podcatcher) Details: Details: Or Or
To discuss in groups: Do you see any purpose of using podcasts? Think about both on-campus and distance learners, student diversity, abilities and special needs. Write on flip-chart sheets and paste on the wall for all to see. TIME: 5 MINUTES
Feedback to the group TIME: 5 MINUTES
Relevance Audio, audio-vision Sound files: creation, distribution Sound files: creation, distribution Mobility Access and use: learner-owned technologies Access and use: learner-owned technologies Learning – new ways Learning – new ways
M&M Online Magazine (
Sample podcasts
Frameworks for developing podcasts
Please develop an outline for a 5 minute podcast Time: 10 minute
Let’s record it …
Group feedback