Welcome To Hackaholic Nmap Level 2 Instructor: Kumar Shubham
Nmap Level 2 Scanning for port -> scan for open port nmap --open ip -> scan for specific port nmap -p port ip -> scan for multiple port nmap -p p1,p2,p3,...,pn ip -> scan for range of port nmap -p x-y ip -> scan for all port nmap -p “*” ip -> scan for most common port eg-: ftp(21),ssh(22),telent(23),http(80) etc.... nmap --top-ports n ip “n” top n port
Nmap Level 2 Os Fingerprinting nmap -O ip nmap -O --osscan-guess ip // Aggrassive os detection Banner Grabbing nmap -sV ip nmap -A ip Print host Interface and Routes namp -iflist Storing output nmap [options] -oN|-oX|-oS|-oG filename normal|xml|script|grepable