How many drugs do you know? Task How many drugs do you know?
Now divide these into legal and illegal drugs How Many Did You Get? Cannabis Caffeine Steroids Tobacco ‘Legal Highs’ Heroin Magic Mushrooms LSD Prescription Drugs Cocaine Alcohol Meow Meow Ecstasy Ketamine Now divide these into legal and illegal drugs
Why do people use drugs? Think, Pair Share your ideas. Legal or Illegal? Cannabis Caffeine Steroids ?? Tobacco ‘Legal Highs’ Heroin Magic Mushrooms LSD Prescription Drugs Cocaine Alcohol Meow Meow Ecstasy Ketamine Why do people use drugs? Think, Pair Share your ideas.
Why People Use Drugs?
Can you tell a drug by its appearance? Aim of this session is to give factual information about illegal and legal drugs Name that drug!
Ecstasy (Pills)
MDMA Leah Betts Leah Betts was a schoolgirl from Latchingdon in Essex, England, UK. She is notable for the extensive media coverage and moral panic that followed her death several days after her 18th birthday. On 11 November, she took an Ecstasy tablet, and then drank approximately 7 litres of water in a 90 minute period. Four hours later, she collapsed into a coma, from which she did not recover.
Pure Ecstasy is a white crystal powder which scientists call MDMA It usually comes in tablet form. Highs you have lots of energy. Sounds, colours & emotions are very intense Lows Can cause anxiety, panic attacks and confusion. Raises you body temperature and can cause your heart to beat faster Drinking too quickly interferes with your body’s salt balance, which can be as deadly as not drinking enough water.
(Brown, Gear ,H, Horse, Skag Heroin (Brown, Gear ,H, Horse, Skag Smack)
Rachel Withear She was 21 when she died Was a student from Herefordshire who died following a heroin overdose. Her death in May 2000 led to a large-scale anti-drugs campaign in Britain, particularly in secondary schools, when her parents allowed a police photograph to be shown publicly – it showed her discoloured body collapsed in the foetal position. The school campaign was centred on a video called Rachel's Story. She was 21 when she died
Looks like Pure Heroin is a white powder, but owing to the range of substance it’s cult with, street Heroin can be anything from brownish white to brown. Highs Heroin gives users a feeling of warmth and well-being, bigger doses can make people sleepy and very relaxed. It also slows down the way the body works and is a very strong pain-killer. Lows Overdoses can lead to coma and even death. If heroin is taken with other drugs, including alcohol, an overdose is more likely. There's also a risk of death due to inhaling vomit
(Meow Meow, Meph, Bounce, MCAT) Mephedrone (Meow Meow, Meph, Bounce, MCAT)
Users feel alert, confident, euphoric and talkative. Lows FACT A fine off white powder which is snorted like cocaine or wrapped in paper and swallowed. It can be smoked and in some cases people inject. Highs Users feel alert, confident, euphoric and talkative. Lows Can cause anxiety and paranoia and can overstimulate the nervous system which can cause fits, agitations and hallucinations. It can also overstimulate the heart and circulation. It has been linked to a number of deaths in the UK. Can make you smell of Cats Urine
Cocaine (Coke)
Is a white powder, which can be snorted, smoked or injected. Highs FACT Is a white powder, which can be snorted, smoked or injected. Highs Makes you feel wide awake and confident. It can give you a real boost, so you might think that you’re the worlds greatest dancer, flirt or comedian (although you’re not) Lows Is very addictive and expensive. Snorting can destroy the inside of your nose and high doses can stop you breathing. Even young people can have a fit or heart attack after taking too much and people have died from over dose. Using it regularly can make you feel run down and panicky.
Legal Highs
Drugs Awareness To discuss the differences between the possession and supply of drugs and know the consequences of both
Classes of Drugs Class A Class B Class C Anabolic steroids Crack Cocaine Ecstasy (MDMA) Heroin Magic Mushroom LSD Class B Speed Cannabis Methedrone Class C Tranquilises Some painkillers Ketamine Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) Anabolic steroids
If I get caught Dealing how long will I get in prison? Class A If I get caught Dealing how long will I get in prison? up to life in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class A drug
in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class A drug Class A How long will I get in prison for possessing a Class A drug? up to 7 years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class A drug
Class B If I get caught Dealing how long will I get in prison? up to 14 years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class B drug
Class B How long will I get in prison for possessing a Class B drug? up to 5 years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class B drug
How long will I get in prison for possessing a Class C drug? If I get caught dealing how long will I get in prison? up to 14 years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class C drug How long will I get in prison for possessing a Class C drug? up to 2 years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class C drug
What did you come up with? If you are caught and sentenced – what do you think might be the consequences? Discuss with your partner and feed back to the group – you have 2mins. What did you come up with? Here are two examples: Jobs Drugs can make a job – or school or college –really hard work. They can mess up the way you act, how well you can focus, what you remember and how you deal with people. And a drug conviction might stop you getting your dream job or lose the one you have. Travel It might stop you from going on holiday to certain countries e.g. The USA