Socialdepartementet Swedish experiences Maria Renström Director Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
Socialdepartementet Separate National Alcohol and Drug Action Plans since 2001 Laws and regulations since 50 years (restricting availability, high excise duties, enforced licensing systems, bans/restrictions marketing, access to treatment, social welfare), etc.) BUT – LEARNINGS ARE…..
Socialdepartementet To complement laws/measures/interventions already in place… Increased focus on; The local, regional and EU/Global level Coordination and cooperation Risk- and protective factors, especially for the preventive work (public health/social welfare) The whole “chain” (prevention, treatment, control/law enforcement, rehabilitation) Involvement of all actors and sectors
Socialdepartementet New structure since 2008 Inter Governmental ANDT- secretariat and Inter Governmental group to coordinate Governments ANDT-policy A National ANDT- Council National financial support to Alcohol and Drug coordinators; National, Regional and Local level Yearly follow-up, assessments basis for Government ANDT yearly action plan, concretization of long-term framework strategy
Plans for Final step towards a Governmental Comprehensive National Strategy on Alcohol, Narcotics, Doping and Tobacco policy Focus on sustainable structures (including financial framework) for coordination and cooperation and knowledgebased measures National indicators and a structure for follow- up and evaluation But, still recognize the differences between the substances
Socialdepartementet The negative trend from 1990’s is broken! ”Binge-drinking decreasing Decreased under-age drinking Decreased consumption among young adults, especially young men Smoking decreasing (including snus) Illicit drugs still on a low level compared with the rest of Europé BUT: increased consumption among elderly
Socialdepartementet Alcohol, tobacco and drug users 15 – 16-years Alcohol: Percentage consuming 1 glass beer, 2 cl vine or 2 cl spirit once/12 months (lifetime prevalence) Tobacco: Percentage cigarrettes- and/or snus consumers (break 1997/1998 new question – general trend is decreasing use. Illegal drugs: lifetime prevalence Källa: CAN
Socialdepartementet Alcohol consumption Figur 3 Selfreported alcohol consumption 100 % pure alcohol and percentage ”binge- drinkers” among men years, years and år.
Socialdepartementet Consumption in different age groups, changes between and Litres of pure alcohol/month Self reported alcohol consumption among young men decreasing the most. Young women drink less during ”child bearing age”
Socialdepartementet Thank you!