Senior English 2/22/11 Which is more important, letting people express opinions or ensuring that prejudice is not allowed? Which is more important, letting.


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 2/22/11 Which is more important, letting people express opinions or ensuring that prejudice is not allowed? Which is more important, letting people express opinions or ensuring that prejudice is not allowed? What did one wall say to the other? Golter-yeded gawpsheet – old English insult, the meaning has been lost. Goals – Discuss how we should organize the debate. Discuss the essential question; does our legal system provide equal justice for all? View the movie. Homework – None.

Senior English 2/23/11 Where do you stand on the essential question? Why? How many Amish does it take to screw in a light bulb? Jobjam, dobdab – sounds like swearing but isn’t. Goals – Taking sides and assigning responsibility. Research some statistics. Discuss related current events. Homework – None.

Senior English 2/24/11 What does justice mean? How can you tell if you have it? How can you tell when you don’t? What do you get when you cross a dyslexic agnostic with an insomniac? Lewdster – a lecher, one given to illegal pleasures. Goals – Make a strengths and weaknesses chart for each of the big four legal concepts. Use specific examples from 12 Angry Men, or specific examples from personal experiences, or from current events. Brainstorm sources for statistical evidence. Homework – Don’t forget to study for quiz #24.

Senior English 2/25/11 Five minutes to study for Quiz #24. Did you hear about the guy who lost his left arm in a car crash? Mundungus – Very old word for smelling like garbage or dung. Often used to refer to bad smelling tobacco. Goals – Complete vocabulary quiz, begin structuring arguments and rebuttals. Homework – None. Feb