strees™ Siti Fatima Fany Fakhrah Dian Ririyanti Andi Dian Eka Sari Herlin
What’s the meaning of “STRESS “ Stress can be defined as a negative emotional experience accompanied by predictable biochemical, physiological, cognitive, and behavioral changes.
Causes of stress *Genesis of everyday life both happy and sad like: - Losing a loved one either because of death or divorce. - Issues of personal relationships, etc. * Lessons school or work that requires a strict time schedule, and / or working with a boss who is tough and less understanding. * Not healthy. * Such an environment is too noisy, too many people or too hot in the home or workplace. * The financial issues such as debt and spending beyond the capability. * Lack of confidence, shy * Too ambitious and aspire too high, etc.
Symptomp of the stress - Being easily offended and angry with friends, family and colleagues. - Feeling always tired - It's hard to concentrate or become forgetful. - Headaches, stomach and diarrhea. - High blood pressure and heart attacks. - Mental Health, Hysteria. - Eating disorders such as loss of appetite or overeating. -Not able to sleep (insomnia). -And etc.
Manage the stress 1.Develop healthful habits 2.Maintain supportive 3.Develop an awareness of your stress O meter 4.Have “family night” or “fun night” Before and After moving 5.Play relaxing or fun music while packing and carrying boxes 6.Take scheduled breaks often 7.Keep your body hydrated
Lets discus about stress !!!