Chapter 17 The Civil War Test Review
What Do I Need To Know, Mr. Diaz?
Section 1 The Conflict Takes Shape Here’s a humdinger: know which states were fighting for the North and which states fought for the South The Southerners wanted independence from the North Initially, Slavery was not an issue What were the strengths & weaknesses of each side? Know who the leaders of both sides were Know the military leaders of each side
Section 2 No Easy Victory What was the strategy for each side? Know something about the Battle of Bull Run Who was George McClellan and what was his failing? Know a little about the naval situation Battle of Antietam-why important? Which battles in the east did the Southerners win? Why? Union victories out west Know Battle of Shiloh
Section 3 A Promise of Freedom What was Lincoln’s goal? What was the Emancipation Proclamation? Why did Lincoln issue this now? What was the South counting on from Europe? Did Europe help them? Why not? Know a little about the 54 th MA Regiment.
Section 4 Hardships of War Know a few hardships Who opposed the war in the North? Why? What were they called? What is a draft? How did the war affect the economies in the North & the South? Did women make contributions? Who and what did they do?
Section 5 The War Ends Why was the Fall of Vicksburg so important? Why was the Mississippi River important? What’s a siege? Know the Battle of Gettysburg What was Pickett’s Charge What was the Gettysburg Address? Who gave it and why was it important? If you can write the Address perfectly on the test, you will get 10 points!
Section 5 Part II Who was Grant? What was his plan for ending the war? What was total war? Who was Sheridan and what did he do? If you can write the excerpt of Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, you will receive 10 pts. Where did the South surrender? IMPORTANT: what was the turning point as a result of this war?