The Civil War!!!
The first Union shot of the Civil War was fired by Captain Abner Doubleday. He was the second senior officer at Fort Sumter, under Major Robert Anderson
The Battle of Antietam fought on September 17, 1862, near Sharpsburg, Maryland, and Antietam Creek, as part of the Maryland Campaign, was the first major...
Read about Day one of the Battle of Gettysburg that occurred during the American Civil War on July 1, 1863
The Siege of Vicksburg is a collection of first- hand accounts of one of the most important battles of the American Civil War
Cornerstones of Freedom, Third Series- Bringing History to Life Even before the first glorious ring of the Liberty Bell, America was a land of...
Just days after the Civil War ended, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated
The Surrender At Appomattox Court House... opened the correspondence with Lee which led to the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia