Merrill: CDT
Knowledge Components (Content) Fact: e.g., five horses, a new building Fact: e.g., five horses, a new building Concept: e.g., animal, vehicle Concept: e.g., animal, vehicle Procedure: e.g., move the lever to the middle point Procedure: e.g., move the lever to the middle point Principle: e.g., the rate of force is independent of the object’s mass Principle: e.g., the rate of force is independent of the object’s mass
Performance Remember Remember Use Use Find Find
FactConceptProcedurePrinciple Remember Use Find Knowledge Components (Content) Performance
Gagne (1965) Conditions of Learning: different outcomes require different conditions of learning. Remember fact: Behavior recall Conditions Drawings Pictures Diagrams Criterion 95% correct Use Procedure demonstrate Word Materials Equipment Device 3 trials
How to Operationally Represent the Knowledge Components? The theoretical framework for knowledge representation: 1) Subject-matter taxonomy 2) Performance taxonomy
Subject-Matter Taxonomy Theory consists of constructs which are collectively operationalized to define/explain a phenomenon. Theory consists of constructs which are collectively operationalized to define/explain a phenomenon. What is a construct? What is a construct? Construct Domain Operation Range Polar bear Grizzly bear Black bear Brown bear Bear Include (facts) (concept)
Subject-Matter Taxonomy Fact:Identityis represented by Fact:Identityis represented by Subset:Includeare kinds of Subset:Includeare kinds of Concept: Intersectionif both are present Concept: Intersectionif both are present Step: Orderdo 1 before 2 Step: Orderdo 1 before 2 Principle:Causalcauses Principle:Causalcauses Operation Example Descriptive operation Identity operation Productive operation CONSTRUCT
Performance Taxonomy Various kinds of memorization associative associative episodic episodic image image algorithmic algorithmic associative algorithmic
Performance Taxonomy Associative Memory (static by nature) Associative Memory (static by nature) Remember-verbatim Remember-verbatim Remember-paraphrase Remember-paraphrase Literal retrieval of information (e.g., is represented by) Integrative retrieval of information (e.g., is similar to)
Performance Taxonomy Algorithmic Memory (dynamic by nature) Algorithmic Memory (dynamic by nature) Adaptive/integrating Adaptive/integrating –Occur at the Use level. The schema is called to accommodate the new information Reorganization Reorganization –Occur at Find level. Use inductive skills to create a new schema to account for differences, similarities or changes between the existing schema and new materials