Flower Goes To The Zoo By Mimi Woodward REAL PICTURES INCLUDED!
It was a sunny Saturday. Flower was playing in her kitty pool. She saw Tommy the Turtle, Flower’s neighbor, outside. He came over Flower’s house! “Hi,” Flower said. Tommy said, “I was wondering if you wanted to go to the zoo with me if your Mom and Dad say its OK.” “Sure, I’ll ask them. See you in a minute!” said Flower. She rushed to the door.
“Mom, Dad, can I go to the zoo with Tommy?” Flower asked. “Sure, what time did he invite you to go?” they said. “I don’t know, I’ll go ask him.” “ Hi, Tommy. What time can I go to the zoo?” asked Flower. “Oh, I almost forgot, 4:30,” replied Tommy. “OK. See you soon!” Flower went back to her house and FLUNG open the door. “What time are you going?” “4:30 tonight,” said Flower. “What zoo is it?” “Oh, yeah. Danbury zoo.” “Oooh, lucky lab. I heard there are Grizzly bears and cheetahs there,” said Flower’s Mom.
“But first we have to call the Danbury zoo and they will give us a secret code to get in,” replied Flower’s Mom. Everyone needs a secret code to get in so they recognize the code on the computer. Flower’s Mom picked up the phone and called the Danbury zoo. Ring-Ring, Ring-Ring! Went the phone. Hello, this is the Danbury zoo, how can I help you? Hello, I have an appointment at 4:30 tonight, said Flower’s Mom. And my name is Cinnamon Woodward. OK, your secret code is 22369, OK. Flower was definitely ready for the zoo! The clock said 3:45, quarter of 4:00 Almost time to go to the zoo! Flower could not wait any longer that she got so hyper that she twirled and danced around all around her house! She kept dancing and dancing until she looked at the clock and it already was 5:00! She was very worried, But Flower didn't want to tell her Mom and Dad. If Flower was going, her Mom and Dad would of told her it was time to go, so Flower’s Mom and Dad must of forgot too!
I bet Tommy is wondering, Flower said only to her self. Flower heard the phone ring. She answered it. It was Tommy! Flower, w-w-where are you? Asked Tommy. I was looking all over for you, Flower. I’m sorry, Tommy, I kinda got sidetracked, said Flower,It’s OK. You can come tomorrow. The End!