Montana Memory Project
Indian Chief: Joe La Moose Metadata for:
Indian man Nicola (Pix-on-che-la-hoit) Metadata for:
Indian man, Big Pielle, on a white horse Metadata for:
Indian woman Metadata for:
Indian woman Metadata for:
Indian, ready for dance Metadata for:
Indians in dance costumes Metadata for:
Isabell, papoose, and child Metadata for:
Jerome Vanderburg Metadata for:
Jerome Vanderburg's 'fraternal' grandmother Metadata for:
Joe Lamoose with his wife and child Metadata for:
Marie Grizzly Bear wearing a choker and beads Metadata for:
Native American family encampment near Mount Sentinel Metadata for:
Three Indian men in assorted finery Metadata for:
Victor Vanderburg with his daughter Cecille Metadata for: